Janet Murray is a seamstress by vocation and is coming back to Urukundo to help teach in our sewing Center.
Janet Murray is a seamstress by vocation and is coming back to Urukundo to help teach in our sewing Center.
Sunday School children, book clubs, alternative Christmas, preschool global giving projects. What do they have in common? Marc, 11yrs old, says it best, "I got to help make joy for the people of Rwanda. We gave money for a pig and desks. It was really cool."The end of 2012 brought many joys and examples of giving that I knew God was smiling and blessing all the hands and feet serving. One little boy gave at Sunday School to purchase a pig for the farm and said it was “Special. Heart soaking.” Barb said with a smile, “For the past several years, I've given a donation as an alternative to purchasing a Christmas gift for my parents. This year I chose to honor them by giving a gift of desks and chairs to the new primary school. My parents were so touched! They have always valued education, and this seemed like the perfect way to show our love for and support of the children of Rwanda.”
Two women’s book clubs were inspired to give towards desks, bookshelves and books. Gail shared, “Learning and loving to read is one of the most wonderful gifts given to us all. It opens the world around us. We chose having bookshelves for your classroom to enable you to fill the world around you with books, books and more books!” And Darlene’s book club said, “All children deserve the chance to receive an education. It is the building block for a nation.”
A partnership was formed a year ago with a preschool. Classes at each school in Rwanda and the US are learning what is the same and what is different. They are learning about each other’s countries and to appreciate their culture. This school selected Urukundo as their Global Giving Project for 2012. Almost $400 was raised for desks, bookshelves and teacher materials.
So for 2013, be creative, think BIG and connect people, schools, organizations to the Urukundo Children’s Home and Learning Center. They will fall in love with the children, understand how something small can mean something big in Rwanda and KNOW they are truly making a difference. Share the stories of Urukundo with others to give them the opportunity to Help Make Joy all year long!!!
All directions on this Dell are in French, a language that I know very little about. Yes, I do know there is a way to change the directions to English but I just don't know how to do it. Even the spellcheck is in French so every word I write has a red squiggle line under it because I write in English. I know Sarah our media person will check the spelling closely before she publishes. More work for Sarah!
I am finding there is so much I need to learn. Another example: I use two cameras to take pictures. On one there is no date printed on the picture, but on the other date stamps all photos 2011, so pictures taken with that camera appear to be at least a year old. This was pointed out to me by a friend. Last month's pictures of the Biogas project were dated 2011, yet this is a new project for 2012 and no pictures could have been taken in 2011! The date has been changed on the camera now, thanks to Jean Marie's expertise. I am blessed to have young people here who seem to have been born with the know-how to work with the technology changes. Digital cameras are wonderful but confusing.
Ok, now for pictures. October pictures are on the now defunct Mac.
Ask the 7 Students and 2 leaders from SMU in Texas, USA. They came for a day and worked hard.
Michael Dearman, Corbin Swagerty and Sargent Jimmy Winn, the co-leader, worked at clearing the land in preparation for building the hoped-for primary school. This was the first work signaling the beginning of Project PRIMARY SCHOOL.
Oscar our administrator supervised.
The girls removed bricks from an old wall and we will reuse them to construct the chicken house.
Their leader Pat Davis and Haleigh Wagner work in the library. Indeed there are many jobs to do. Spending time with the children is an added bonus.
Thank you for coming and sharing SMU, Texas.
One child, one laptop. Corbin's research project in action.
It turned out Corbin's research project for school was the project ONE CHILD, ONE LAPTOP. He was delighted to see the actual laptops being used.
Ketetha Olengue (with baby Diane on her back) and the girls spent time with the babies and toddlers. The girls helped with baths, and helped serve breakfast and lunch. The most fun was singing with Corbin on the guitar, sharing story and game time. Our kids loved every minute.
Ready to come home.
We are thankful for her recovery and return home. Her lovely pink blanket was a gift from Lisa Carter in North Carolina, USA.
Fun toys arrived for the play area. Would really like a sturdier set for outdoors. This one is great for the younger set.
February the traditional month for sharing love, and it has been such a month for Urukundo Foundation.