Making Excuses

All directions on this Dell are in French, a language that I know very little about. Yes, I do know there is a way to change the directions to English but I just don't know how to do it.  Even the spellcheck is in French so every word I write has a red squiggle line under it because I write in English. I know Sarah our media person will check the spelling closely before she publishes. More work for Sarah!

I am finding there is so much I need to learn. Another example: I use two cameras to take pictures. On one there is no date printed on the picture, but on the other date stamps all photos 2011, so pictures taken with that camera appear to be at least a year old. This was pointed out to me by a friend. Last month's pictures of the Biogas project were dated 2011, yet this is a new project for 2012 and no pictures could have been taken in 2011! The date has been changed on the camera now, thanks to Jean Marie's expertise. I am blessed to have young people here who seem to have been born with the know-how to work with the technology changes. Digital cameras are wonderful but confusing.

Ok, now for pictures. October pictures are on the now defunct Mac.