As promised, I present to you the “talking wall” at Urukundo Learning Center.
I hope you enjoy it as much as our students do.
Artwork on the preschool wall.
The wall is a retaining and protecting wall, so it extends the length of five classrooms.
Lots of space and this artwork is a good use of the area.
It is a teaching tool as well as art and fun. Our kids call it “the talking wall.”
Please take note of the beautiful view we have standing and looking over the wall.
On entering the school campus, the first wall teaches numbers and letters. I love it. What do you think?
Urukundo Children at play.
School days
Domestic animals. Of these, we have cows, pigs, chickens and a dog.
African animals
Vegetables, grown and served in Rwanda.
Fruits, fresh and full of flavor.
Utensils we use.
Transportation, other familiar objects and consonants.
Letters, both Vowels & consonants.
Standing on the walkway looking at the wall art and enjoying the view beyond our compound. Great Photo.
Our beautiful Rwanda