Happy Valentine's Day. Share the love.
Michelle, who is a representative of the United Methodist Church Volunteers in Mission, tried to figure out how Ethan could fit into her suitcase. Sorry, Michelle. Ethan can't fit.
Happy Valentine's Day. Share the love.
Michelle, who is a representative of the United Methodist Church Volunteers in Mission, tried to figure out how Ethan could fit into her suitcase. Sorry, Michelle. Ethan can't fit.
Let me share with you how exciting it is for me to see the Secondary School become a Hope Made Real.
This is the view that will be seen every day from the Secondary School complex. Awesome!
I would like to join Benjamin, but it looks a bit scary to me.
A Jan. 29 update on Secondary School progress: Ready for inspection. Government inspectors are on site this morning. We need their approval before we can go ahead.
Approval given. Yay!!!
Work began on the upper retaining wall.
Feb. 4. Work continued.
Feb. 16. Upper retaining wall is finished.
Pillars for support of a two-story building. There are many – about 12.
To my amazement, we have a cement mixer. Not the big truck like in the USA, but it works.
Foundation going in. The pillars are encased in cement and are included in the foundation.
Feb. 26. Progressing.
Our director Jean Marie donned a vest and helmet to inspect the work in progress.
Our community outreach continues. We are aware older children are also in need.
It was my pleasure to attend the wedding of Adeline, who is the Urukundo Learning Center’s secretary, and her groom, Oswald, who doesn’t work for Urukundo.
The wedding took place in the Urukundo Hope Made Real House, which serves as a pavilion for weddings and other events.
Adeline has been part of Urukundo staff since April 2011. She filled many jobs before becoming school secretary.
Many of you know my time to relax is used in working on jigsaw puzzles. The perfect personal gift for me is a new puzzle.
A special puzzle. The Lucky Wagon team from Switzerland, who volunteered in 2024, took photos while they were here and had a puzzle made and sent to us. What fun to see our faces and the faces of the team!
Ruby from Maine wanted me to remember winter in the USA. After volunteering here, she sent this puzzle. I shiver just looking at it.
Snow is not my favorite thing. Photos or puzzles of snow are OK. Thank you, Ruby and Jim.
My house manager Libby assisted me in this endeavor.
Our kitchen now has the tools needed, thanks to Maddi Dunlap and her team of women at WAWHO. Maddi is a co-founder WAWHO – We Are Women Helping Others – in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA.
Abdoul, left, who is a sales person for the equipment, demonstrated the equipment for two of the kitchen staff members, Onasimo and Seraphine. Life just got easier in the kitchen.
We hosted our first debate competition between the Urukundo Learning Center and Bright Future Academy.
Subject: Education or money. Question: Which is more important?
Urukundo students welcomed the Bright Academy students as they arrived. Two busloads.
Our library amazed them.
Visiting the library.
Walking across campus. There were many students. They were most welcome.
Team #1 Urukundo: Education is most important.
Team #2 Bright Academy: Money is most important.
Judges. The teachers got the tough job. Both sides did a good job, but all agreed that education is essential to earning money. Money cannot buy education. Both must work together. The winner of the debate: education. Congratulations, Team #1.
Photo after the debate. Everyone had a glass of joy – a bottle of Fanta soda pop.
The rematch will happen in the near future.
Staying in shape is the priority of morning exercise. As much for the teachers as for the students. Not for Mama Arlene.
Many years ago, my then young grandson came to experience Urukundo. While here, Tim planted a very small tree sprout. It grew into a mature tree, as he has grown into a mature young man. He now serves on the International Board of Directors for the organization.
This was the highlight of the month for me. The dancers on the last Sunday of the month were little children. I am told next week they will come and sing for me. Can’t wait.
About two years ago, I was informed and sent a memo to followers that the hopemadereal.org address would no longer be valid for emails. I have been told lately that everyone did not get the memo. I am saying it again hopemadereal as an email address is not valid. This did not affect the website, only email addresses.
I love to hear from my followers. I can be emailed at brown.arlene30@gmail.com
Thank you.
Sending much love.
January First. Umwaka Mushya! (Happy New Year!) A new year has begun.
On New Year's Day, I had a wonderful visit from the Urukundo Fellowship. They walked to my home to wish me a Happy New Year.
Pastor Yves came along to sing with us on this New Year's Day. I felt so blessed. What a wonderful way to start 2025 and my 95th year! Imagine that.
Here are two gifts I received. They are different. Rather neat.
One is a thank you from a wedding.
The other is from the graduation of two of my Urukundo kids from university.