Urukundo Day Care
The Urukundo Daycare opened in 2016 to provide daycare just for nursing mothers who worked at Urukundo. It expanded to provide a safe, loving environment for newborns, toddlers, and preschoolers from the community. At present, there are 50+ little ones enrolled. This program provides a stimulating environment for 3 and 4-year-old students to play and nap before and after their half-day of preschool and kindergarten.
our Aunties
The Aunties (childcare workers) believe attentive care is key to the success of this program. They nurture, play, teach, and love each child.
It’s rest time for little ones in the colorful nap room.
New daycare facilities
The new facility has ample room for the day’s activities. Colorful child-sized beds and cribs, books for reading time, and toys for both education and fun. One large room is equipped for infants to 3-year-olds and the other side for 4 and 5-year-olds. Tables and benches serve for nutritious meals and activities. The playground is close by for outside play.
Urukundo nursing mothers still come throughout their busy work-day to lovingly cradle and nurse their babies.
She is dressed for construction.
Urukundo Daycare was certified in August 2018 by the Rwanda government, to be a full-time registered daycare.