The first term has ended. Exams are over. Children are waiting for their report cards.
It is an exciting time as a two-week holiday begins and secondary school brothers and sisters come home.
Please keep Urukundo and all our kids in prayer. We continue to pray for you.
Successful Bus Project
We are celebrating.
It did not take long to find out that the smaller bus was not big enough. Thanks to caring donors, we were able to negotiate for a bigger bus this time. Now we have a second, even larger bus to carry more children safely to school.
The smaller bus goes to the rural area and the larger one to the town.
Urukundo kids got the first ride in the new bus.
Headmaster, secondary kids, Betty and Mama also enjoyed the short trip.
Play Time
School kids enjoying the playground and soccer field.Both fields are very busy places every day. Our play ground exists thanks to RAISED HANDS FOR AFRICA. This wonderful group hail from North Carolina.
70 children graduated from Kindergaten at Urukundo Learning Center on October 25, 2014. What a glorious day it was.
All students and parents preparing for the Parade.
The march from the school to the site of the ceremony was awesome
This scene takes place along the road for the neighbors to witness our graduates, students and parents. They made a very long line.
The parade coming in at my gate.
Very serious.
Our guest of honor was GASPARD RUTEGESHA from the board of education in the Cyeza Sector. He took part by shaking hands and giving each child a certificate.
I felt very short today, my five foot one next to this six foot 7 gentleman. It's a good thing I was sitting down.
He was our honored guest and main speaker.
The president of Urukundo Foundation's Board of Directors Hildebrand Kanzira spoke, encouraging the children and their parents to place much value on education.
Even I added my 2 cents' worth, using the back of a chair for support.
A first at our graduation celebration: the music and art department presented a program for our entertainment. Bono the music teacher traveled from Kigali to be here for this occasion. Bono is from the Kigali School of Music and teaches twice a week at Urukundo Learning Center.
Intore translated means 'an all-boy dance team'. The boys did a great job. Keeping the culture alive for the children is so important.
The girl dancers were not to be outdone and we were delighted.
Diplomas were held high.
I have so many wonderful pictures it was hard to decide which would give you a clear picture of the event in the lives of the children and the program you are making possible by your gifts and donations.
Thank you for helping make a difference.
Back to School
School opens for final term of the year.
Teachers gather to welcome the children and keep everything under control. The children are so excited to be back in school and to greet friends. They are full of energy.
Big and small they are back!
Building Project
Urukundo is looking for funding to finish constructing the Primary school.
Is there an organization or family that would be willing to accept a grant request from us or consider giving us a low or no interest loan?
If so, we would appreciate hearing from you.
You can help make the Hope for a school Real.
We have a Youth Leader
Her name is Abigal. Abigal comes to work with us from Kenya. She is a teacher in our Preschool and she lives in Urukundo Village.
Gathering for practice.
Abigal works with the children teaching new songs and special activities.
Something New at the School
We are big enough that now we need a Head Teacher! One day we will need a Principal but not yet.
It is our blessing to promote that teacher from inside our staff. The headteacher oversees all programs at the school and attends all District and Sector meetings involving education.
My great pleasure is seeing the children from the community along with our kids returning to school for the second term of the 2014 school year.
New Headteacher Rene welcoming the students.
The first day of school the kids from Urukundo Home were so excited they went to school early and so I missed the pictures. The second morning they waited for me and I am sharing the pictures with you.
Our children from the community come to school on different types of vehicles plus on foot. Here are two of them.
Building Primary Three
I sent out an appeal for stones and sand to prepare a foundation for Primary 3, the next step in completing a primary school for Urukundo Learning Center. We need many stones for this two-story building. It is much different for a two-story building, saving land space, than for a one-story building. This finished building will house P3, P4, P5, P6, and two classrooms each. Once the foundation is laid we can build one section at a time.
Building P3 is now our priority. In order to meet Government regulations we will build upstairs and downstairs classrooms a section at a time, making the downstairs classrooms handicap accessible.
Some funds have come and we thank you who took this need seriously. We have 3 loads of stones and need 20 more. A $50 gift can pay for a load of stones. A $25 gift can pay for a load of sand needed as fill for the stones and to mix with the cement to make the foundation solid.
The foundation is large, covering an extensive piece of land. When completed, with the classrooms we have already built, it will house our entire Primary school including offices for the school and administration.
Playtime for the Kids
Legos still the best.
This Inside Tent given to the kids for Christmas is perfect for Legos. With the floor inside the tent even the tiniest Legos do not get away Luki inside the tent building a castle.
Emanuel, Kenny & Kenilla admiring their work.
Urukundo Learning Center
Growing Kids and Views from the School