Music & Art section
Videos available. More National Geographic would add a lot to this collection.
Class room #1
-Salome Ayigihugu
Music & Art section
Videos available. More National Geographic would add a lot to this collection.
Class room #1
-Salome Ayigihugu
Our outreach to the children in the community continues to be a success because so many of you care. Our goal was reached. Thank you for supporting this part of the mission. The photos are just a few of the children from the local community, Binunga Village, that Urukundo through your gifts are supplying basic needs for primary school.
Opening day at Cyakabiri Preschool and Cyakabiri Faith Primary School was a very busy day. Parents and children gathered. Many new to our school and all new to Faith Primary School. To add to our joy Claudine, our special child, started preschool. We were not sure how she would react but to our surprise and pleasure she fit in just fine and the teachers encouraged us to keep her in school.
After the opening ceremony the parents and kids visited both class areas. The final total enrollment for the schools : Faith Primary 56, Cyakabiri Preschool 140.
What a wonderful sight. The official opening and dedication of the schools will be in March. You are all invited!
The Urukundo Faith Primary class rooms are bright, airy and cheerful for the students. Each child having a desk and chair is unique.
Pictures on the walls are both cultural and educational and add to a pleasant learning center. The seating arrangement makes access to every student easier for the teachers.
The view from the front of the school from our place on the mountain is spectacular.
Today was a red letter day. The furniture for the PRIMARY SCHOOL was delivered.
Going to the building site Dec 28, 2012 I was surprised by an inspection team from the Muhanga District.
Vice Mayor Fortune and Exec Secretary Rodger from the sector were part of that team. Our report was a good one. School will open January 7 and an official opening will take place in March. Dec 31 we start moving into the class rooms. This is an exciting time specially for Luki, Emmanuel, Nelly and Claude as they will help with the move to prepare their new class room for other students. The January Newsletter will have news coverage of the school start up. Don't miss it!
Sending kids to school who would otherwise have little chance of receiving an education is a worthwhile project.
Just a reminder that it's not too late for the 2013 school year, which starts soon. Your gift of $15 supplies one child with a uniform, shoes, exercise books, pens, a sweater and a back pack. Where could you find a better bargain? It will do your heart good knowing you are making a difference in the life of a child and these children are so grateful.
I hope many of you will consider funding an education sponsorship.
Last year for my 81st Birthday in December I requested Legos for the kids at Urukundo Village and the Cyakabiri Preschool and the response was wonderful.
For my 82nd birthday I am asking my family and friends to consider a monetary gift to help finish construction on the 3 classrooms at the yet unnamed Primary School. The amount does not have to be great just a gift from the heart.
The gift can be sent to
PO BOX 3222
In memo line: "school construction".
Thank You.