While we wait for the National Exam results, we have our own graduation celebration. All children from preschool to Primary 6 and the Sewing Center students invite their parents and friends to come and see what they have learned in the past year.
The day starts very early at the school. Kids and parents gathered with the graduates at the school for the walk to the main road and up the street to the Urukundo main gate and then to the site set up for the graduation.
The march from the school to the site of graduation is a spectacular parade.
Blue and gold are the colors of the kindergarten graduates.
Awesome sight. What a parade! The graduates sing as they march to Mama’s gate. They enter and proceed to the soccer field where many tents are erected to protect guests from the sun and possible rain. This is the rainy season, you know.
We were blessed with a no rain day.
Primary 6 in caps and gowns. Each group has different colors. Black and green is Primary 6.
It is about one city block on the main road from the road to the school to Mama’s gate. Neighbors come out to watch and cheer the graduates on.
Sewing Center students bring up the rear. We are so proud of these young adults and their accomplishments. White and blue really stand out. One of the school projects is to make their own caps and gowns. They did a good job.
Entering mama’s gate. Teachers walk with the kids.
Greeting Mama and Pastor Yves. What joy! Until last year, I walked with the children and loved it. It is hard for me to not join the march, but age has a way of slowing us down. So I wait at my home gate and greet the students as they enter. I am honored to have Pastor Yves there with me, also greeting the kids.
Older grads wait while kindergarten kids are seated. It is quite a process. My home is in the background.
I do walk from my home to the celebration and make a grand entrance.
Left to right: guests of honor were Fortune Mukagatana, Muhanga vice mayor of social affairs; Florence Marie Uwanyirigira, Rwanda Parliament deputy; myself; my assistant, Olive Nyiracumi; Clare Effiong, leader of Esther’s Aid Culinary Arts School; Jean Marie Ntwari, executive director of the Urukundo Foundation, and Angelique Westmark, a volunteer from Germany.
What an interesting group! We were honored.
The Primary 6 graduates of last year were special guests.
Our university students came to support the younger students and to share in the program.
It was such a thrill for me to see so many of our university students arriving. They seldom are home together, so it was special for them also.
What a group!
This year at graduation we featured the development of the music program, starting with the All School Chorus.
The All School Chorus led us in the national anthem
Music is appreciated in our school. Being able to introduce music to our students is such a blessing.
This young girl learned to play the keyboard. This is an accomplishment worth doing.
African drums and guitar add to the music program and are so special. Drums are a part of the culture.
These drums were rented for the occasion. Some day we will purchase our own. They can be purchased here in Rwanda. We encourage both types of drums as great musical instruments.
Our orchestra is made up of flutes and violins. Wonderful music was presented by our own students. Parents were impressed. More instruments are needed.
Last but not least in the music program, our children respect their heritage and learn cultural singing and dancing.
We are very proud of our progress in developing the music program.
Developing an art program is next on the agenda.
This group is amazing.
Precision marchers from Primary 4 and Primary 5
In sync
Certificates were presented to kindergarten graduates. Each was signed by Mama and Headmaster.
Primary 6 students receive certificates after National exams. The Sewing Center certificates also are given at a later time.
The Tom Nunnally award for an outstanding student in the Sewing Center went to 22-year-old Germaine Iradukunda. This award is given each year by the Forest Hills Rotary Club in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, in honor of deceased Rotarian Tom Nunnally.
Presenting the award is head of the sewing center, Theresa Mukabanana, and Florence from Rwanda Parliament.
It is difficult to get a really good group picture of all the graduates, but we tried.