
A Joyous Event

No, this is not the arrival of a newborn baby but instead is the arrival in Rwanda of Chanel Moore, my very first great-grandchild.
Chanel is the fourth generation of terrific women in my family, including me, my daughter Barbara Downs and my granddaughter Beckie Starr.
This is Chanel's first visit to Africa. She is working on her master’s degree at West Chester State University in Pennsylvania, USA.
I’m so happy that you are here, Chanel.

Love the hats.

News from the Farm

The cowboys were delighted when a young woman chose to work on the farm as her volunteer project at Urukundo. Abby came prepared with a pair of  knee high black boots. Not exactly the latest fashion design but served the purpose.

Abby learned to walk down steep uneven steps  keeping her balance. Those steps are a bit much for me but I tackle them at least once a week on the arm of one of the boys.

Abby gathered eggs.

Milked a cow.

And earned the respect of all the farm staff.

She did not come a farmer, but she is leaving with a new respect for the farm and the hard work involved in caring for animals that are so important to our well being.

Meet Sarah

Sarah is a colleague of Abby. Both girls are students from HOUGHTON COLLEGE. Houghton College is in New York State USA, near Buffulo I am told. The girls came to Urukundo through through the NGO 'GO ED'.

Travis and Anna Hall, Student Life Coordinators, are doing a wonderful job placing students from the US in posts where the life experience is a learning experience and in some cases a life changing one.

Sarah is ministerial student and was a delight.  Even though her passion is divinity she worked the Dental Initiative each morning, the school in the afternoon and devotions in the evening with the kids.  She braved the language barrier and did a sermon one Sunday morning.

Sarah and translator Tresor.

Pastor Antoine was delighted with Sarah and her speaking ability.

Sarah with Claudine and Rebekah in Hope House at play.

Sarah helping Divine fill out forms. Sarah is a multi-talented girl. I believe her calling fits her well.



Nancy Chiswick and her daughter Emily Chiswick-Patterson came for too short a time. They spent the time productively with the Preschool teachers, the adult English class and most important with the children and me. They helped to serve lunch and read with the younger ones.

Soso, Emily and DavidNancy serving lunch to the many.

We welcomed Richard Taylor and his co-worker Phocas Ngendahayo from Wellspring Foundation. They had lunch with the children and visited the school.Preschool class.In front of Primary School.

Richard is remembered by the kids because he ask them if they liked foote ball (soccer) and if they thought Mama would be a good player. The kids laughed and said they liked foote ball but Mama would not be a good player. They thought he was very funny.


Exciting Connection with Global Engagement Foundation

Thanks to Michael Grosspietsch and Melissa Lesage URUKUNDO LEARNING CENTER was added to their already full schedule. It was a new experience for our teachers.

We thank them for finding a bit of time for Urukundo. They have been a long time source of encouragement.

Global Engagement Foundation was established to better serve the world. To learn more about this organization check out their website.

Buffalo University out of New York State, USA came to Urukundo

Drew Kahn - Professor, Theater and Director, Anne Frank Project

SUNY Buffalo State

Professor Drew Kahn, the Head of the Drama Studies program and 6 of his young students spent about 3 hours at Urukundo. What a wonderful 3 hours that was.

The impact they had on our teachers was evident.  The teachers saw, heard and learned the value of drama in teaching children.

Their purpose:

Teaching storytelling skills to Rwandan teachers

The theme for this presentation was survival, caring and sharing based on the Diary of Anne Frank.

Who knew the equation 2 + 2 = 4 could be so much fun when acted out. 

Yes even Math can be fun if a little imagination is added to the mix.

Our new House of the Arts was the perfect setting for this project. Design and decorations were done by two of our girls, Anitha and Belise. Great job girls!

Teachers focus on the story.

After the teaching session the visitors joined the children in the Boys' Home.

Students in Mission

AEE (African Evangelistic Enterprise) students return for the third year in a row. We are so blessed to have them. The plan is for two days a week Thursday & Friday.  They will be with the kids each week into March.

Their purpose is to create self-respect, confidence and dignity in individuals and throughout the communities of Rwanda while spreading the GOOD WORD. We'll have pictures of the kids next month.

A Special Visit

Urukundo was honored by a visit to our Dental Initiative and campus by

Dr. Ibra Richards                         Valli Meeks         Sawsan Salih 

Valli is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania so for me it was a real treat to visit with someone from my home state. She is a delightful woman as were all four visitors on their team.

                                                                          Chrispinus Mumena.