Alexis, Teacher's Assistant
Brushing teeth and washing hands are an important part of this program.
Playing in the water is also fun.
Alexis, Teacher's Assistant
Brushing teeth and washing hands are an important part of this program.
Playing in the water is also fun.
A special thank you to:
The International Service Team at Rotary Club of St John's Northwest District 7820, Canada
Solar Pump Power Project:
Rotary International
Spearheaded by: Forest Hills Rotary, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
On site management: Kigali-Virunga Rotary Club Kigali City, Rwanda.
Thank you to all who made this project a success and gave gifts from the heart so that clean water would make life better for our community.
2006 - 2011
Urukundo Children's Village as of this date has 46 orphans and abandoned children.
18 of our children are in secondary School. 12 are in Primary School.
11 of our children are in Preschool.
5 are in our Nursery (Safe Haven).
6 former young staff members in University. (Designated funds).
First graduate We are very proud of Diane.
We are giving employment to 34 local citizens. All employees are covered by medical insurance upon providing proof they have covered their own children with medical coverage from a local hospital.
Urukundo Foundation provides 329 children of very poor families with supplies required in order for them to attend primary school.
Urukundo Foundation cares for 2 families with teen head-of-households with a total of 14 children (several missing when photo taken).
At the same time we need to develop the general infrastructure and create sustainable long-term business.
We can be the first orphanage/NGO ever reaching self-sufficiency and economic independency.
It is an incredible task and challenge.
2006. Rented first Urukundo Home for Girls with 15 girls. Today's total is now 21.
2006: Rented first house for guests. Some little income.
2006: purchased four wheel drive vehicle (directors funds).
2007: Rented first Urukundo Home for Boys with 7 boys. Today's total is 24.
2007: First purchase of land to start chicken industry and safe area for kids to play outside of town.
First Chicken House
Deed of first ownership
2007 through 2011: Purchased, registered and paid for 14 joining small properties using (missionary gifts and Arlene's SS income) to establish Urukundo Village.
Claiming the top of the mountain.
2008: Built a Home for Boys, a soccer field and a basket ball court.
2008: Built a Home for Girls. (Director's personal funds)
2008-2009: Constructed buildings for kitchen, offices, and storage.
2009: Built Multipurpose House. This house includes a Library, classrooms, meeting room, worship center, celebration house and dorm for teams with more than 4 people.
2009: constructed a shed for the 1 cow and 1 calf.
2009: Purchased another cow and her calf. (Designated Money from People to People). Milk for babies and HIV kids.
2009: purchased home for Guesthouse on adjourning property, resident for director, clinic, office. Now Cyakabiri School for Young Children.
Increased chicken industries to include broilers and layers. (Producing eggs for income and meat).
2010: started JR Saving’s accounts for kids. Fina bank
2010: Built a "SAFE HAVEN" Nursery for throw-away babies. We have 15 Under 5 years.
Established Cyber Café for community and income producing nonprofit business. (Rental property) Purchased 5 PC and a copier.
We planted 7 kitchen gardens and all available land. Veg for children and excess for sale.
Purchased 3 Sheep (designated money). Total now 8 and expecting. Meat for kids.
Started rabbit hutches purchased 2 rabbits and a gift of 2.
At present total 64. Sell and use for meat for children.
2011: Director purchased large home and guesthouse. (Personal funds savings for old age. Might be now.)
2011: Purchased house and land (Loan from Fina Bank) protection of children, larger clinic in better location, closer to children. Additional guest rooms to accommodate teams coming as volunteers. Work not completed.
Received 3 cows from District a gift. Total cows now 5. Two milk cows and 3 yet to breed.
Constructed larger housing for number of cows (designated funds) and fenced in pastureland with barbed wire.Fenced in all Urukundo land to protect our children and animals. (Barbed wire)
2011: Purchased 5 pigs a gift from visitors. (Designated money) Meat and marketing.
2011: Built pig housing.
2011: Increased goat herd by 12 new goats (designated money) Meat for kids (total 18 at present).
Renovated first cow barn to accommodate goats and sheep.
2011: With support of Park Forest and devoted people Urukundo built a water system for the Binunga Community. In time it will also benefit our schools. (Designated funds)
2011: Solar pumps and power were added to the water project thanks to Rotary International. (Designated funds). The project will benefit over 3000 people plus Urukundo Village when schools are constructed.
2011: Added 3 tanks for harvesting rainwater. (Designated funds)
Purchased truck for farm. (Designated funds).
Cyakabiri School opened. The first step in the planned URUKUNDO LEARNING CENTER.
1. Finish renovation on house already purchased for guest rooms for volunteers.
2. Purchase land to house Cyber Café along main road.
3. Start up a day care center for young children and babies of working parents.
4. Add another classroom for Preschool. (Already have land).
5. Construct a Primary School adding to our school system (starting small) 2 rooms
We own land for this purpose.
6. Construct a secondary school to the system. (Starting small) 2 rooms. (Have land). Growing as required.
7. Construct a Clinic for mothers giving birth requiring post delivery care.
8. Have a well baby clinic for those babies born in the prenatal clinic.
9. Open a dental clinic for the poor.
10. Resurface the basketball court.
11. Purchase house in middle of our property after Government has declared it eminent domain for benefit of community. It can be used as the primary school after purchase.
12. Purchase a lawn mower.
Pick a project and help us reach our goal!
The kick off of the solar power project happened on September 17th. The project is directly connected to the water project funded by Park Forest UMC and others in State College, PA, Rotary International which was well-represented by President Jolly, William Koser and 20 members of the Kigali-Virunga Club.