1. Finish renovation on house already purchased for guest rooms for volunteers.
2. Purchase land to house Cyber Café along main road.
3. Start up a day care center for young children and babies of working parents.
4. Add another classroom for Preschool. (Already have land).
5. Construct a Primary School adding to our school system (starting small) 2 rooms
We own land for this purpose.
6. Construct a secondary school to the system. (Starting small) 2 rooms. (Have land). Growing as required.
7. Construct a Clinic for mothers giving birth requiring post delivery care.
8. Have a well baby clinic for those babies born in the prenatal clinic.
9. Open a dental clinic for the poor.
10. Resurface the basketball court.
11. Purchase house in middle of our property after Government has declared it eminent domain for benefit of community. It can be used as the primary school after purchase.
12. Purchase a lawn mower.
Pick a project and help us reach our goal!