
Our Youth's Future

I find it hard to believe that the little children we started out with in 2006 are now young men and women ready for university. Tresor, Divine, Alexander, Anett, Esperance and Lucie have all finished secondary school (High School). We are blessed to have support for 4 of our students and are praying for support for the other two. Let me know if you can help with their education.

Anett and Esperance still need $4,500-5,000 annually for tuition and expenses. Anett will study International Relations and Esperance Nursing.


February Special News

If hearts sing and love abounds in February, mine is right in tune. Urukundo is so blessed.

We have big news to share! We have a new name for our Dental Initiative.
University of Rwanda College of Medicine and Health Sciences, School of Dentistry and Urukundo Dental.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Document signing, sealed with a handshake.

A delegation of 7 came to Urukundo Village from the University School of Dentistry to take part in the signing ceremony making Urukundo Dental Initiative part of the School of Dentistry.


Muhumuza Ibra - Dean, School of Dentistry - University of Rwanda College of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Karl Self - University of Minnesota School of Dentistry and Donna.

Sawsan Salih - Associate to the Dean of the School of Dentistry, Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
Valli Meeks - University of Maryland School of Dentistry.
Valli is from Philadelphia, PA. She is definitely a HOME GIRL for me - same accent!

Valli, Sawsan and Karl are part of the United States faculty working with the Rwanda Human Resources for Health Project.
(l-r) Ethel, Mama Arlene, Julienne, Valli
Ethel and Julienne are instructors at the University School of Dentistry.
Summary of the MOU
This is a brief summary of how it will operate.

The school will pay for food and housing only for their students and instructor.  There is no large financial gain for Urukundo from the school but there will be recognition and the connection with the University giving us creditability. We are a fully equipped Dental Clinic in operation. We purchase our own supplies and have our volunteer clinic staff. The University will supply the guidelines to ensure we conform with government regulations. They will also respond to any urgent needs.

We can do our own charging for services. For difficult cases, we can send the client to the Dental Hospital at the University and the cost will not change for our patients. This will give them access to dental services they could otherwise not afford. Also our dental service can now advertise and be open Monday through Saturday noon. This will give us many more clients. Our clients pay a minimum charge for consultation and depending on the service needed the cost will be determined by what the client can afford. Some will be free and others will pay a reasonable cost. We hope in that way to give good service and to pay for needed supplies.

We are operating under the University license. This is an important contribution from the School of Dentistry. There will be 6 to 10 students coming for clinical training each month on a two-week rotation program and an instructor coming with them.

This is a very important step for Urukundo.  It also helps our standing in the district.  It should be very interesting. I am sure there will be changes as we move forward. We are a pilot program for the University. If our relationship is successful the University will expand the program to other areas of Rwanda using Urukundo as the model.

New Stones on the Path

Pastor Boyd and his wife Shirley served in the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda for 6 months. Their schedule was a bit busy but they found time to visit and play with the Urukundo kids. Even had mama to dinner at their house. It was such a treat and pleasure for me.  They were good customers at the Sewing Center.

Pastor Boyd’s shirts will make him the envy of every man who sees him.

Mission Outreach


November and December are the months of giving thanks and giving of gifts. The gift of education is a gift that never stops giving.

Please keep the Education Fund in your heart. We can help local children in need of an education, but whose  parents have too little income and struggle to feed and clothe them. Your gift helps Urukundo Learning Center provide education for these wonderful children. $15 is a small amount but makes a big difference for the children here.


Shopping at AMAZON for Christmas?  Check out AMAZON SMILE. Name your favorite charity and while you make shopping simple for yourself, reach out and help others. You are going to spend the money any why not make it a double gift.  Both HOPE MADE REAL and SPIRITWORKS (our partner in ministry) are listed among those charities.


Greetings from Urukundo Village for October 2014

Here it is - November! It's time for the happenings in October to go into an newsy letter to all the friends and family of Urukundo Home for Children and Urukundo Learning Center.


If you want to read about a beautiful event to honor and care for Urukundo Home and Learning Center take a few minutes to visit this blog.

Please do this you will be amazed!

Thank you. Mama Arlene Brown


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Thanks for your support!

Letter from Mama

The October Newsletter is the month we start thinking about providing schooling for the very poor children in Muhanga. In the past, beginning in 2009, we were blessed to be able to provide school supplies for 369 children seeing them through Primary school. Those children have all finished Primary School and now there is a new group needing our help.

In order to know where the help is most needed we have connected with the Village leaders (Mudugudu). They can identify the children from very poor families who will not go to school without help. With Urukundo Learning Center and your help we are able to reach out and offer education to children who would not go to school and offer them a good educational foundation and environment.  $15 is still the amount to provide for a needy child. Help make a difference. A check to Hope Made Real PO Box 3222, Williamsport, Pa 17701 will make a difference in the life of a child. Mark the check: Education in the memo.  Or you can donate online through the 'Donate Now' link on this page.  Mark 'education' in the notes field.  Thank you.


October 19 saw the birth of a new baby girl calf. We are always pleased when the baby is a girl.  We now have 3 milking cows and two girl calves.

This new baby means more milk for the kids and to sell.


Kaboss had special visitors in September.

Diane & Bill Currier, part of his sponsoring family, came to see him. They brought him two wonderful books and other surprises that he shared with all the kids.

Before they left Urukundo Village, Sam, Jacob, Chris and Sally Buck and Jonathon May gave a donation to have a stone placed on the PATH TO LEARNING at the school.  A gift to the education fund. Our path continues to grow, as does our school. 2015 will see the first P3 class.

Position on the path.