
State College churches

Oct. 24

A warm welcome from Pastor Greg Milinovich at St Paul's United Methodist Church in State College, Pennsylvania. We shared a mission moment with the congregation.

In the afternoon, sharing time was at Mount Nittany United Methodist Church, also in State College.

Mount Nittany UMC Pastor Chris Passante was gracious and accepted a copy of my book.

What a beautiful background!

Judy Geschwindner represented St Paul's UMC in our afternoon meeting.

Connie Cousins came from St John Lutheran Church in Bellefonte to hear an update about Urukundo. Connie has visited Urukundo several times.

Barb Stapleton attended this session representing McConnellstown UMC. This photo is of Barb when she visited Urukundo in 2016.

My age group

Oct. 25

Morning session

The Community Room at the Village at Penn State retirement community was the perfect place to be with senior citizens my own age. It was a great pleasure to meet, greet and share with this elite group.

Because I am one of them, I think older citizens are the greatest.

Nancy Gamble was our hostess. A delicious lunch was served with continued conversation.

Next stop: Kiwanis Club

Oct. 25

I spoke at an evening session of the State College Kiwanis Club.

Ready to listen and share.

Penn State Circle K is a collegiate service organization sponsored by Kiwanis International.

Penn State University students and me: James Hanagan, Paige MacConnell, Ban Nguyen and Dylan Freeman.

Joining me were Jerry Wettstone, Jeff Seamans, Jane Wettstone and Kathryn Mackes.

USA trip

Now the journey begins. USA, here I come.

Jean Marie (acting director), Juliette (human resource), Eric (office secretary), Oswald (president of the national board), Olive (personal secretary), and Viatuer (Learning Center administrator).

Jean Marie (acting director), Juliette (human resource), Eric (office secretary), Oswald (president of the national board), Olive (personal secretary), and Viatuer (Learning Center administrator).

The first leg on my journey to the USA. Administrative staff bidding farewell. Hey, the new pantsuit was a product of the sewing school.


Lucky, Claude, Divine and Aline also came to say, “Have a good trip Mama. See you in December.” Love those kids.

A beginning. Please travel with me on my journey.

First stop United Christian Parish in Reston, Virginia.

Pastor Marcus Leathers quizzes Mama about Urukundo and how hope is made real at Urukundo.

Pastor Marcus Leathers quizzes Mama about Urukundo and how hope is made real at Urukundo.

Next stop Pittsburgh

Lunch with my oldest grandson Christian and his lovely wife Sarah, What a day!!!

Lunch with my oldest grandson Christian and his lovely wife Sarah, What a day!!!

Two of my daughters, Jacque and Patricia. So happy to be spending some time with them.

Two of my daughters, Jacque and Patricia. So happy to be spending some time with them.

Being pampered. Yep, getting my haircut and styled. How good can it get?

Being pampered. Yep, getting my haircut and styled. How good can it get?

Book signing with these lovely ladies, members of Beacon Hill Book Club. They had all read the book and asked interesting questions. They were delightful.

Book signing with these lovely ladies, members of Beacon Hill Book Club. They had all read the book and asked interesting questions. They were delightful.

Second book signing in Pittsburgh. Hosted by my daughter Patricia.

Second book signing in Pittsburgh. Hosted by my daughter Patricia.

Moving on

Sept. 19 found me in Christ Church McKeansburg, Pennsylvania. Pastor Sunny Stock invited me to deliver the sermon, share time with the children and speak about my book and Urukundo at Sunday School. It was a full morning.

Pastor Sunny and husband John.  Sunny and John were the host family when Lilliane, one of my girls, came to the USA for education.

Pastor Sunny and husband John. Sunny and John were the host family when Lilliane, one of my girls, came to the USA for education.

What a wonderful day!

That evening, we met with the youth pastor Mark Shellhamer, his wife Jane and several of the youth. Pizza for all. Jane has visited Urukundo.

That evening, we met with the youth pastor Mark Shellhamer, his wife Jane and several of the youth. Pizza for all. Jane has visited Urukundo.

On the road again

Sept. 20 found me on the way to Philadelphia.

Katie and Pierce Keating and their son Luke were my hosts. Hope for photos later. I need to remember I have a camera on my phone. Their daughter Katrina works with an NGO in Philly and invited me to accompany her to a community meeting. I was honored to take a small part in a “community unity” meeting. While there, I met this remarkable young man. He is a talented artist and promised to visit and share his love of art and of children. He will be most welcome.

Mama and Patrick, an artist with a future.

Mama and Patrick, an artist with a future.

On to West Chester University for an evening of conversation and book signing.

The PowerPoint presentations are so helpful in telling the story.

The PowerPoint presentations are so helpful in telling the story.

Erin Friday was the host there.

Erin Friday was the host there.

Erin, a CPA and is CEO for the Thousand Hills Accounting in Rwanda and Main Line Accounting in the USA, is a frequent visitor to Rwanda.

Had my first visit to an Irish Pub. It was Kildare’s in West Chester. Wow! That was interesting. Proprietor Dane Gray joined us at our table.


Meeting a Rwandese gentleman in Philadelphia was an unexpected pleasure. Eric Sutera is in the USA on business. He actually came to hear me speak. I was honored. We had met in Rwanda earlier. It’s a small world.


Meeting with Jordan Schugar, an associate professor at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, and my hostess Erin before the presentation. Dreaming new dreams and setting new goals.

On the road to Lemoyne, Pennsylvania

Some of my family live in the Harrisburg area. Double the pleasure.

My daughter Barb and her husband John.

My daughter Barb and her husband John.

Great-grandson Nate.

Great-grandson Nate.

Strong women. Three generations: my daughter Barbara, me and my granddaughter Becki.

Strong women. Three generations: my daughter Barbara, me and my granddaughter Becki.

Screen Shot 2021-10-04 at 4.52.05 PM.png

I arrived the day after Pastor Jason Schwartzman of Grace United Methodist Lemoyne was ordained.

His wife Michelle and children, Dante and Jahnavi, were there to support him. I was honored to be the speaker in the worship service on that Sunday.

Sunday morning found me at Grace United Methodist Church in Lemoyne.

I spent the afternoon with Pastor Jason...

I spent the afternoon with Pastor Jason...

and Michelle.

and Michelle.

I was blessed to have Dr. Linda Rhein from Florida, Ruth Cox from Carlisle, and Ruby and Jim Sosa from Maine make special trips to hear and share the story of Urukundo today. The day was full of surprises.

Another book signing and then on the road again, back to Pittsburgh.

Note from Mama

Visiting and sharing with friends and family in the USA.

A September I will long remember.

Looking forward to more adventures in October.


August Newsletter

Anticipating my Sept. 1 journey to the USA, I am finding suitcases; purchasing crafts as gifts for friends and family; and preparing PowerPoint presentations to share my love (Urukundo) story. In a few days from writing this, I will be on my way.


My phone number in the USA, as of Sept. 2, is 412-636-8452. My itinerary is downloadable from this link.

Important collection: Want to invite your group to bring something tangible to your event? Mama is in need of medical-grade masks for Urukundo’s dentists, workers, teachers and staff: N95, KN95 and surgical N95 respirator masks. (No cloth masks or other paper-filtering masks.) Thank you.

A message from Mama

When you read this newsletter, I will be in the USA.

As I journey forth to share the story of Urukundo, it is my hope that hearts will open and our goals will be achieved. One of those goals is to have a Sports House (gymnasium) for the Urukundo Learning Center. Can you help make it happen?


Donations can be sent to

Hope Made Real

PO Box 3222

Williamsport, PA 17701

USA itinerary of Mama Arlene Brown, Fall 2021

Wed., Sept. 1 Depart Kigali International Airport, Rwanda

Thurs., Sept. 2 Arrival from Rwanda in USA, Dulles International Airport in Dulles, VA.

Thurs., Sept. 2 Dinner and book signing in Reston, VA, 5 p.m. By invitation from Mary Jackson.

Fri., Sept. 3 Dinner and book reading in Reston, VA. 6 p.m. By invitation from Lloyd and Joellyn Kinzer.

Sun., Sept. 5 United Christian Parish, 11508 North Shore Drive, Reston, VA 20190. 10 a.m. service; 11 a.m. lunch and book reading (with Covid-19 protocols). Contact: Kathy Kelly,, 571-232-8830.

Sept. 7-18 TBD, Pittsburgh, PA. Contact: Patricia Brown,, 412-999-1912.

Thurs., Sept. 9 Beacon Hill Book Club, Wilkinsburg, PA. By invitation only. Contact: Stephanie Carleton,

Sun., Sept 12 Waverly Presbyterian Church, 590 S. Braddock Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15221. 11 a.m. reading as service begins. Contact: Pastor Caitlin Werth,, 412-242-0643.

Sun., Sept. 19 Christ Church McKeansburg, 6 S. Race St., New Ringgold, PA 17960. 8:45 and 10 a.m. morning worship speaker. Sunday School book reading and video. Contact: Pastor Sunny Stock,, 570-640-3078.

Wed., Sept. 22 To be announced. Contact: Erin Friday,, 484-919-0904.

Sun., Sept 26 Grace United Methodist Church, 309 Herman Ave, Lemoyne, PA 17043. 10 a.m. worship. Contact: Pastor Jason Schwartzman,, 717-763-7632.

Mon., Sept. 27 United Methodist Volunteers in Mission, book reading, location and time in Mechanicsburg to be announced. Contact: Michelle Schwartzman,, 717-766-7441, ext. 3105.

Sun., Oct. 3 Hebron Church, 10460 Frankstown Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15235. 4 to 6 p.m. mission fair. Contact: Bruce Krogh,

Tues., Oct. 5 Wilkinsburg Rotary at James Flower Shoppe, 719 Wood Street, Wilkinsburg, PA 15221. 12:15 p.m. book talk. Contact: John Irwin,, 412-680-1381.

Oct. 13-15 SUNY Buffalo State, NY. Contact: Eve Everette, assistant director, Anne Frank Project,, 716-713-2699, 713-878-5559.

Sun., Oct. 17 Brookville Presbyterian Church, 100 North White St., Brookville, PA 15825. 9 a.m. Sunday School meet-and-greet; 10 a.m. short talk in church service; luncheon. Contact: Vicki Mason,, 814-849-4626.

Wed., Oct 20 Forest Hills Rotary at Jodi B’s Restaurant, 2600 Ardmore Blvd, Forest Hills, PA 15221. 7 a.m. Contact: Bob Dove,, 412-867-5013.

Sun., Oct. 24 St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 250 E. College Ave, State College, PA 16801. 10 a.m. mission moment, meet-and-greet for 30 minutes following the service.

Sun., Oct. 24 Mt. Nittany United Methodist Church, 1500 E. Branch Road, State College, PA 16801. Afternoon speaking engagement, including PowerPoint and book signing. Open to local churches and supporters.

Mon., Oct. 25 State College, PA. Book chat. Contact: Carol Falke for location and time,, (814) 321-1076.

Mon., Oct. 25 Kiwanis Club of State College, PA, location to be announced. 5:45 p.m.

Tues., Oct 26 State College Rotary, location to be announced. 5:30 p.m. book talk. Contact: Nandu Desai, 925-351-1074.

Wed., Oct. 27 Sunrise Rotary, Scholar Hotel, 205 E. Beaver Ave., State College, PA 16801. 7:15 a.m. Contact: Carol Baney, 814-404-9694.

Sat., Oct 30 “Home with Mary Ruth” book reading, 1 to 3 p.m. By invitation only.

Sun., Oct. 31 Phelps Chapel United Methodist Church, 68 Phelps Chapel Road, Jersey Shore, PA 17740. Presentation during 9 a.m. Sunday service. Contact: Donna Timblin,, 570-220-6448.

Tues., Nov. 2 WAWHO meeting (closed meeting), Moon & Raven Public House, Williamsport. 7:30 p.m. Contact: Maddi Dunlap,, 570-916-3969.

Sun., Nov. 7 St. Paul Calvary United Methodist Church, 1427 Memorial Ave, Williamsport, PA 17701. 9:15 a.m. Sunday School book reading and conversation. Contact: Ann Runnels,, 570-322-5054.

Wed., Nov. 10 Friends Church, 137 S. Third St., Hughesville, PA 17737. Luncheon. Contact to register: Jeanne Willis,, 570-447-7486.

Sat., Nov. 13 St. John’s-Newberry United Methodist Church, 2101 Newberry St., Williamsport, PA 17701. 5:30 p.m. service. Contact: Pastor Lenora Hosier,, 570-326-5569.

Sun., Nov. 14 St. John’s-Newberry United Methodist Church, 2101 Newberry St., Williamsport, PA 17701. Services at 8:15 and 10:45 a.m. Contact: Pastor Lenora Hosier,, 570-326-5569.

Nov. 15-19 International Education Week, University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) Center for Global Engagement with University of Maryland School of Dentistry and the UMB Office of Global Health. Meetings with UMB's schools of dentistry, nursing and medicine. Contact: Valli Meeks:, 484-919-0904.

Sun., Nov. 21 Crossroads Church, 1454 PA-44, Jersey Shore, PA 17740. Update during 10 a.m. Sunday service. Also a display table and meet-and greet. Contact: George Morton,, 570-220-3621.

Sun., Dec. 5 Depart USA for Rwanda

Sharing my joy

If you have not heard, I am happy to announce that I am coming to the U.S. on Sept. 2 and will be in the U.S. through the first week of December. During this time, I’m looking forward to meeting with family and friends in their homes or meeting spaces to give a book talk on my newly published book, “Hope Made Real: The Story of Mama Arlene and the Children of Urukundo.”

A book talk is a short, informal presentation that engages the listeners to enter into the fun, suspense, and adventures of myself and the children. I would love to share my story. A conversational question-and-answer time follows. I hope that long-time supporters will gain deeper insights into my life and the development of the foundation. Those new to Urukundo will have their curiosity ignited. The aim is for everyone to be challenged and empowered to live their best life.

In addition, I welcome the opportunity to take part in your Sunday morning services to share Urukundo and its story of love.

I also am available to come as a guest speaker at your event. Together we can plan a presentation that best suits your audience.

Copies of the paperback book can be mailed directly at cost from Amazon or Book Baby through Mama Arlene’s account to be billed directly to those hosting. Contact her daughter, Patricia D. Brown, for the account information.

To submit your request, please contact Patricia D. Brown, 412-999-1912, or

Get your request in ASAP. Mama

Funding for new residence

June 26th

June 26th

Because of the addition of more guest rooms as well as laundry and utility space to the new residence for Mama and any future director of Urukundo, the cost has changed by US$15,000. Building a separate guest house would have more than doubled the cost.

Friends and family have paid for the construction of Mama’s house, and Urukundo hopes to cover the additional cost. For now, construction is on hold pending further donations to Hope Made Real for this construction. Funding is needed.

Donations can be sent to:

Hope Made Real

P.O. Box 3222

Williamsport, PA 17701

Thank you. Mama

New house in progress

I hope you recall that some time ago my home was invaded by thieves. My bedroom was targeted. It was a shock to me to realize I was not safe in my own home. It also was very disturbing to my family. They decided I need to be away from the main road, my present location, and in the center of the compound where it would be harder for intruders to be a threat. They decided to do something about it and contacted family members and family friends with a plea to help build a safer residence for me.

This is the letter my daughter Patricia wrote and sent out to family members and many friends.

I share it now with you:

I’m writing to you because Mama needs a house. Turning 90, Mama Arlene finally admits (sort of) that she may be getting a bit older.

As you know, Urukundo is built upon the side of a large hillside on three plateaus:

The Lower Plateau -- the main road and Mama’s present residence

The Middle Plateau -- the school, dining hall and activity center, and business offices

The Upper Plateau -- the farm and animals

Mama can no longer safely climb the steep hillside without assistance, and even then, once a day is laborious, leaving her out of breath at a high altitude. I can tell you, she is not happy not being in the middle of all the daily activities of the campus.

In addition, her present residence, located just inside the gate on the main road, leaves her vulnerable to intruders. Only a couple of months ago robbers broke in while Mama was asleep.

With your help, a new home, constructed for the present needs of Mama and for the coming decade, could be built on level land of the middle plateau. The estimated cost is $40,000, a small amount compared to comparable U.S. homes.

I am so grateful for my family’s concern and I thank everyone who stepped up and helped make it happen. Again, I say thank you to all.

Construction of a new residence began on March 19 and continues today. It is my hope construction will be completed in June. It will be not only a new residence for Mama Arlene and any future director of Urukundo Foundation but will have four guest rooms to welcome volunteers and visitors.

The design of Mama Arlene’s new home is a tribute to Rwandan history and culture. The photo shows the beehive-shaped King’s Palace Museum, which is a reconstruction of the 19th century traditional royal residence. The palace is located in the Nyanza District, Southern Province, 88 kilometers from the City of Kigali.


Now I share the progress to date with you.

March 19, preparation began. Clearing and leveling.

The location is in the field next to Hope House.

The location is in the field next to Hope House.

March 26, layout for the foundation and rooms. This layout also includes four guest rooms with baths.

March 26, layout for the foundation and rooms. This layout also includes four guest rooms with baths.

April 5, outside walls. A structure has begun.

April 5, outside walls. A structure has begun.

May 5, reaching for the sky.

May 5, reaching for the sky.

A three-week delay took place as we waited for the metal sheets to arrive for the roof.The June newsletter will report on construction in progress. I am hoping for a July move-in date.