Sharing my joy

If you have not heard, I am happy to announce that I am coming to the U.S. on Sept. 2 and will be in the U.S. through the first week of December. During this time, I’m looking forward to meeting with family and friends in their homes or meeting spaces to give a book talk on my newly published book, “Hope Made Real: The Story of Mama Arlene and the Children of Urukundo.”

A book talk is a short, informal presentation that engages the listeners to enter into the fun, suspense, and adventures of myself and the children. I would love to share my story. A conversational question-and-answer time follows. I hope that long-time supporters will gain deeper insights into my life and the development of the foundation. Those new to Urukundo will have their curiosity ignited. The aim is for everyone to be challenged and empowered to live their best life.

In addition, I welcome the opportunity to take part in your Sunday morning services to share Urukundo and its story of love.

I also am available to come as a guest speaker at your event. Together we can plan a presentation that best suits your audience.

Copies of the paperback book can be mailed directly at cost from Amazon or Book Baby through Mama Arlene’s account to be billed directly to those hosting. Contact her daughter, Patricia D. Brown, for the account information.

To submit your request, please contact Patricia D. Brown, 412-999-1912, or

Get your request in ASAP. Mama