Urukundo Kids News

After an unusually long holiday our secondary (High School) kids returned to their respective schools. Some of the primary children came to see them off on the minibus. We now have kids in 5 different secondary schools. It was much easier when they all went to King David Academy. In the Rwandan school system, after the first 3 years in secondary school the children choose a goal for the future and move to a school that provides the education needed to be successful in their chosen field. It really is a good system giving the kids a head start for the future.
They will come home in early November and the 2013 school year begins  about January 10.
We finally have a playground thanks to RAISED HANDS FOR AFRICA  (check out their website). This mission-minded group hail from North Carolina.
Of course the big kids like the little swings. The twist and turn and unwind. That just makes me dizzy.
Big kids' swings.
The playground is such a joy to the kids.
Parallel bars, basketball court, swings for big kids in background. The sandbox is such a hit. It's located just above the nursery.