From the Nursery

Kavine and Diane continue to grow and be the center of attention.
Kavine is a happy, healthy little girl. She is trying to sit up alone. That's a big job! She laughs out loud, gurgles and reaches for my finger.  Real progress.
Diane's arm is healing, thanks to Nancy, our in-house Nurse. She has done the physical therapy necessary to save the arm from becoming a disability.
The wound on Diane's face is filling in quite well but there may be a small scar. Only time and Nancy's special attention will tell. 

Nancy has been a volunteer with Urukundo Foundation since 2008. She comes from New Hampshire, USA. Nancy is a retired Army nurse and Nurse Practitioner. 
We are doubly blessed to have her as she is acting coordinator for Urukundo Learning Center working with two Early Childhood teachers in the US with the necessary credentials.