The big news is that mama pig has 9 babies, and the second mama has 5 - our pig population is exploding!
Mama and five babies. I just learned that baby pigs snuggle when they are cold. It seems animals have many Instincts attributed to people.
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Daisy and two of the young heifers are pregnant and soon will deliver, increasing our cows count to 8. We're hoping for all female offspring.
This will also increase our milk production. At this time, only one of our cows is producing milk and so we have to buy milk from a local farmer. Of course that also helps the economy but I will be glad when we have all the milk we need and can offer the excess for sale.![](/storage/farm%204.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1328416695642)
Our baby. Her mama is supplying the milk for her and our kids.