
September 2018 Newsletter

Dear Sponsors and Friends of Urukundo,

This message is the most difficult I have ever written.

A ruling from the government has thrown us into grief and difficult readjustments. Please bear with us as we cope and adjust to this government ruling. Many tears have been shed.

For five years, we have fought this event, but it has finally become a reality for the Urukundo Foundation. The Rwanda​​ government has decided all orphanages and homes for children must close. This rule is across the board, no exceptions. The government is requiring us to close our children’s home, calling it an institution.

This does not in any way affect Urukundo Learning Center. Urukundo Foundation is, as always, dedicated to providing education for those from low- or no-income families. The school now has 702 community children ​in preschool​ and through Primary 6 classes. Enrollment will increase to over 800 in 2019.

Our secondary students and university youth also are not affected by this directive. And we will continue to grow and benefit many needy children in our community.

But the 25 younger children are being moved from their Urukundo home to be placed with biological parents, or, if there are no parents, in foster homes or with extended biological families. All are expected to be placed after the end of the 2018 school year in December.

So far five of the children have been moved. They are Jason, Nelly, Kenny, Kenilla and Kaboss. As arrangements were made, we have notified their sponsors and asked for their continued support for school expenses, medical insurance and emergencies.

Thirteen others still live with us but have been assigned to move in December. They are Jennette, Aline, Kevine, David, Sarah, Rebekah, Jacob, Claude II, Prince, Benitha, Yves, Isaiah and Livine. Still waiting to be assigned new families are Johnny, Egide, Luki, Soso, Claude I, Diane and Claudine. We are hoping all will be allowed to remain here until after Christmas when the older kids in secondary school and university are home to share the love with them.

To say I am OK with this would not be true. My heart is breaking.

The good news is the National Children's Commission has agreed that Urukundo will not lose the children. They will go to school wherever they live ​with their families but will come home to Urukundo​ to visit on school breaks. Urukundo is trying to cooperate with the government to make the transition easier for our children.

We ​will have final approval of the foster families. We also have permission to monitor the children in school and in their new homes​. Our child advocate​ Olive is visiting them at their homes and in​ the​ir​ school​s​ on an ongoing basis.

​Those placed near our school will ​continue to attend school here at the Urukundo Learning Center. Urukundo is paying school fees, equipment needed for school, medical insurance and any emergency conditions. These payments will go to school and medical facility bank accounts in the area where they live, not to the families.This assures us the children are in school and cared for.

For those who sponsor individual children, it is our hope you will continue to care for the child you have loved. Your support will allow us to continue caring for the basic needs of your child and our dependent children.

With your help we will continue to support and protect our Urukundo family children. Without your help, this will not be possible.

​Please pray with and for us and all the children as they prepare for this difficult transition.​

We also ask that God will give all of our children, staff and older brothers and sisters peace and healing for our broken hearts.

Mama Arlene

School Break

School break is time to play and just have fun. During school breaks, volunteers are such a blessing.
Sarah and Anna share in a hot game of Clue. Board games are enjoyed by the older group.
Clue moved to the porch.  David was the winner.
Kevin Castle and younger group are more interested in artwork.  Coloring is the purest form of artwork when you are under 6 years.
Visiting and having lunch at the university house was a special treat during this break time.

Precious Stones

For a very long time, my kids have been bringing me precious stones. We have made a rock garden using the stones collected. The kids choose a word of the month and write it in the rock garden.

This months word:
Well, to me the stones are all precious, but the latest one is mind-boggling. Take a look at the latest precious stone the kids brought me.
Actually, I think it looks like a fish and is a shiny purple with cream-colored bands at its tail. Don’t know what kind of rock it is or where they found it, but it is beautiful. I will use it as a paperweight on my desk. Love it.

My Joy

This little boy chose to sIt with me in worship. Don’t know his name. So cute.

Project for the month and beyond

All Urukundo staff and kids helped to repair the entrance road leading to the house. I am grateful as the short road out of the compound to the main road was dangerous to walk on. I feared tripping and falling. Stones were in, out, angled, upside down and sharp. Catching my toe or foot on a stone and landing on my nose was not a good idea.
The staff and kids decided this would be an Urukundo project just for mama.

Forever and Younger Claude work as a team.

Big brother Bosco, at home for a break, pitched in and carried stones to the worksite along with the children.

Luki and teacher share the load by carrying stones and sand to the work area.Supervision on the job
Little Benj (Jacob) is on duty. He is a hard worker.

Jacob in Uniform. This navy uniform -- which was a gift from volunteers Bob and Amy Dove --  is just like the one Maintenance Manager Benjamin wears. Note even the boots are like Benj wears.
Teamwork. Jacob, Soso, both Claudes, David, Prince and many other children worked along with the adults.

Starting to place new stones. These will be covered by quality cement. I can’t wait to have a safe walkway. It will also be easier on the vehicles.
The kids were delighted to see Headmaster I’rene (principal at Urukundo Learning Center) carrying stones with them. He is such a good role model for staff and kids.

I am so proud of all. It was heavy work for the kids. Hard work for the staff. God bless them all.

Sharing a blessing

Gifts from churches in America are shared by the Urukundo Worship Center with children in our community.
The gift bags are full of much needed supplies. They were made as a Christmas project for Urukundo and the surrounding community by the children and parents of St. Paul's United Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation in State College, Pennsylvania, USA.
The bags first were distributed at Christmas when over 500 children came to celebrate the birth of Christ with us. Throughout the year, the gift bags are used to give gifts to newborn babies from the Mama and Baby House and for needy children during the entire year. Each bag has a special message of love written by the giver.

Thank you, children and parents. What a wonderful project!

Beautiful hands

We are hand in hand. Sharing the love.
Peter Zittel took this picture.

Think on this exceptional photo, please.

Too much rain

In case you missed my posting on Facebook:

A mountain fell into the small valley in Kibuye, located on the shores of Lake Kiva, about two hours from Urukundo. Lives were lost and homes destroyed. This is just one example what too much rain can do in Rwanda. 

There is no controlling nature. Not enough rain is not good, and too much rain is a disaster.