State College Team
The team from State College were busy the weeks they were at Urukundo. Projects included working in the preschool and primary school classrooms, continuing sister school partnerships and teacher trainings. Pen pal letters were shared with teens, art was taught to women in the English classes, kitchen gardens received a much needed facelift, soap and hygiene products were purchased and delivered to 400 university students and orders were made for sewing projects to be sold in the US.
Carol Falke, Carol Baney, Linda Schimmel
ABC art created for the nursery that team and kids created.
Donated medical and burn supplies for the clinic
Pen pal letters
Loving the kids
Project: Basketball Court Renewal
The team worked hard and did a very good job.
About 2/3 of the playing field is finished. We need to get it finished ASAP. It is not useable as it stands now.
After two months Kirsten had become a welcome fixture at the nurses office in Urukundo Village. Her leaving was as hard on her as it was the kids and mama.
Visitors for October
Dr Kathy Kelley and Mary Jackson from Reston VA, USA.
Otto Fischer and a team of 9 from Austria paid a short visit.
Tom McGreagor and the Hutchinson family from UK spent a few hours visiting the kids and getting the grand tour.
Communication with the Kids
Visitors for August
Team from State College, PA.
Greg, Kevin, Dan
Pastor Lee, Dave
Robin, Kira and team leader Carol
Some of the challenges they helped with while they were here. The teen's head of household benefitted. Remera 5 boys get some help. Dan & Kevin carry water from a long distance to mix cement for the floor in the house of the boys.