
Meet Molly Treynor

Molly Treynor

Molly Treynor from Maumee, Ohio arrived in early January. Molly is a retired University Professor. Specializing in Counseling. Her commitment was to work as long-term volunteer and that has not changed. She has been with us for four months and she is now a part of the Urukundo Family. Our kids love Molly and her teasing and fun ways. She says that her first love was Baby David as he was part of the reason she decided to come back and work when she first visited the village as a delegate with People to People. She now is dedicated to all four babies. David, Laki, Claudine and John. She plans to be an ambassador for Urukundo Kids back home in Ohio.  She hates leaving them but admits she is homesick.  We will miss her a lot and look forward to her return.Safe travel Molly.

Visitors for March, 2009

Our visitors this month came from Canada, USA, England,  and Germany.  I forgot my camera worked even though the computer did not, so I did not take pictures.

Sarah Ketchly from Seattle and her son Tom Wilson from the UK and US arrived with shoes from their daughter's brownie troup in Seattle and soccor shirts and shoes and were the hit of the month.

During the time of the flu invasion, we were blessed with two first aid people from Canada, Brittney Merryweather and Kathleen Fleming, and an RN from Colorado, Karen Klein.

Visitors for February, 2009

Molly Treynor  from Maumee, Ohio has come on and extended mission trip.

Kathleen Fleming from Vancouver British Columbia arrived for a 3 month stay. Kathleen and her friends in Canada presented Urukundo with money needed to construct a waterline for our village.  That water line is in place. Thank you Kathleen and friends.

Brittney Merryweather also from Vancouver spent a month getting to know Urukundo and has now moved to Kigali where she is working with a school getting even more experience for her future goals.

Pictures for these visitors will, I hope, appear in a future newsletter.

Our Visitors in December, 2008

A delegation from People to People A delegation from People to People

We were visited by a delegation out of Canada from People to People on December 1st, getting our month off to a great start.

Adrian Shultz Adrian Shultz

A world biker from Germany stopped and spent three days at Urukundo before continuing his journey South. Adrian started his world trip 8 months ago in his home land Germany and will continue on into North America, Mexico, on to Australia and heading home. I am not sure how all that works. His bike is his transportation. Our boys were very impressed.

Nox Ntuli Nox Ntuli

Noxi is a young lawyer from South Africa. She came to work at Urukundo over her Christmas break from her office. We were so grateful for her help while she was with us.