We would like to thank our fantastic visitors in July from Pennsylvania, Rev. David Shultz and his son Chad, and our hard-working visitors from Vermont, counsins Kyle Arnold and Olivia Shumlin. They worked very hard and made a real difference while they were here. Check out the picture gallery to see their work on the girl's home and a road for the village.
A Visit From Three US Senators
We were honored to meet with Senators Tom Daschle, Mike Huckabee, and Bill Frist. Unfortunately, we did not have a camera on hand, but I was able to have conversation with all three Senators on a one-on-one basis and to tell them about Urukundo Home for Children and give them the business card for Hope Made Real. I do not know what will come of this, but it was good to meet with them.
A Visit From Three US Senators
We were honored to meet with Senators Tom Daschle, Mike Huckabee, and Bill Frist. Unfortunately, we did not have a camera on hand, but I was able to have conversation with all three Senators on a one-on-one basis and to tell them about Urukundo Home for Children and give them the business card for Hope Made Real. I do not know what will come of this, but it was good to meet with them.