Meet The Children



My favorite time in life is watching the precious babies and seeing the many dear faces that mean so much to me.

Thank you, Alan, for sharing your photos with us. Beautiful faces.

In addition to Alan’s photos, here’s another beautiful face. This is Ava Arlene, daughter of executive director Jean Marie and his wife Larrisa. Ava Arlene is my namesake in Rwanda.

And I am so proud of Tresor, our student graduating from Arizona State University in the USA in May.

Fashion Show

Now last, but not least, I give you an Urukundo fashion show.

These Urukundo fashion treasures will be part of the celebration in Pittsburgh on April 27 and 28.

Come meet and greet me, Mama Arlene, and learn more about Urukundo, the foundation based on love. Translated, Urukundo is the Rwandan word for love.

Mama Arlene

Ready to support the children???


Good news

Starting the new year, nine of our children remain in our home.

Three of them -- Claude, Aline and Luki -- are waiting for their national exam results and then will be going to secondary boarding school. They will return to Urukundo for school holidays. As is normal, we will share them with their families.


Claude, Aline and Luki.

David has been given permission from his foster family to stay home with us and attend Primary 6 here rather than disrupt his education in the last year of primary.


Of the children who have moved on to other families Jacob, Prince, Kevine, Banita and possible Rebekah will live close enough to be students at Urukundo Learning Center.

Extended Families

August was a mixed month as school was in session for two weeks and on break for two weeks.
This was a time for children in our home to visit their extended families.

Urukundo kids are so blessed to have made contact with their extended families. It is our hope that more of the children will be connected to families.
Prince and his grandfather
Younger Claude  and his mother Pacifique.
Soso and his father
Older Claude and his mother Olive