
Partners Needed build this school. It is our goal to have 2 classrooms ready by January 2013. Our school year starts in January for Primary and Secondary students. For University the school year starts in September. 

The classrooms are needed to accept the first graduates of Cyakabiri Preschool. With your help this is possible. Education is so vital here in Rwanda and everywhere. It is the key to a brighter future for our world.  Consider becoming a partner on the pathway to learning and make another HOPE BECOME REAL.

This is an invitation to educators reading this newsletter.

If you want a new experience and want to make a difference in the lives of children it is possible. Please consider coming to Rwanda and working with our teachers at Urukundo Learning Center.

Whatever your expertise we can use you.


For a gift of $100 or more a stone can be added to the path to learning. The proceeds go to further education in our village and the community. A gift in honor of, in memory of or just because you want to make a difference would be appreciated.  

Path to Learning adds 2 new stones

Valerie and her mom from Canada visited Urukundo Village for a short time in May and sister Charley is coming in June for a month of volunteer work. Mom Diane placed the stone to honor her two older daughters.

Thank you Diane.

A Way to Celebrate our Fifth Year, a Year Late

It has been a long time coming but THE PATH TO LEARNING is finally starting as a way to financially support the development of our schools in the URUKUNDO LEARNING CENTER.
When Urukundo announced its 5th year in service to the children in Rwanda in 2011 it was suggested we should build a path and call it a PATHWAY TO THE FUTURE. There really was no place to put such a path and we were not sure where the future would lead. It was a good idea but it was not the time for such an event as God's plan for education to be our priority was very new. The time has now come. Education is our priority. The name has changed to THE PATH TO LEARNING. 
With a gift of $100 or more a stone will be placed on the PATH TO LEARNING. The stone will have the donor's name or a chosen word or the name of someone you wish to honor.   Here is the plan as it is seen.  Any suggestions would be welcome.
As the path develops the stones will be secured with cement to hold them in place.  The first stone will say THE PATH, Another stone will say TO LEARNING 
You can choose to sponsor one of these stones.  These marker stones will indicate what the path is about. The stones purchased with names on them will then make up the rest of the path. We will send you a picture of your stone when it placed on the path.
Pictures show the path as it has begun. It will be exciting to see it grow knowing the children in Rwanda are the beneficiaries of a life changing gift.
Your gifts will help us to build through education for the future.

The path is in front of the new building for classrooms leading to the original class room where it all started. Where will the future lead as Urukundo develops in education?

New stones added this week.  Stones ready for your name.
The April DENNY'S  event should be a big boost to our education program. Check your local DENNY'S and participate in it if possible.
Urukundo will also celebrate the joy of THE RISEN CHRIST. 
Starting in  April Rwanda  honors with sadness the loss of families during the genocide. 
Please keep Rwanda in prayer as all  travel through this rather difficult 100 days.

April Challenge

A message from the Board of Hope Made Real
You can help by eating dinner!  That's right.  If you live in an area where a Denny's restaurant is located, you can set up a fundraiser for the month of April 2012.  Just contact you local Denny's for details - meet with the manager and then invite others to join you at Denny's for dinner.  Let's make April a fantastic month for Urukundo Village and Education Center.  Then, let us know the results of your efforts.  Denny's will donate 20% of profits from not only your group but everyone eating at their restaurant during the time your group is there. 
Please join us!