A gift that keeps on giving

Carol Falke, our Hope Made Real Board International president, is at work. Her love of books and the Urukundo Learning Center library reaches out to others who have like passion.

A book sponsorship was held at Park Forest Village United Methodist Church in State College, Pennsylvania, USA. Children and adults selected a book or two and wrote a message inside for Urukundo Learning Center’s children’s library.

Continuing in the spirit of Christmas giving, a book sponsorship was an event at Trinity Lutheran Church in State College. (L-R) Pastor Ron Miller, Vicar Ted Williams, Linda Leslie and Lacey Sheaffer represented the congregation in this worthy project. What better gifts than books to open young minds to new adventures?

Side note: Carol chooses appropriate books, and others sponsor the books chosen. She then ships them by UPS to the Urukundo Foundation. You can do your part as well. Help is always needed and appreciated to cover the cost of shipping.