Back with the children

A very good day for Mama. During a bout with cold and flu-like symptoms lasting too long, I had chosen to stay away, not wanting to pass the illness to the children.

I am pleased to say finally I am no longer contagious and back on my feet. What a wonderful morning!

My escort Benjamin did the photo op. I share these photos with you.


Children everywhere. Joy to behold!


Word is out. Mama is on the field. They came running to greet me. My pleasure.


The discussion was about foote ball (soccer). A young girl said to me, “I don’t like to play foote ball.” My response was, “Neither do I, but I like to watch.” It was agreed it is OK not wanting to play and watching is good. Wish all problems were so simple.


After a playground visit and high fives, the bell sounded and the kids returned to class.

I love recess.