Visit to the USA
What a wonderful welcome I have received!
First off, I was treated to a pedicure, manicure and a new hairdo. A gift from my daughter, Patricia, and her husband, Dale Bauman.
What do you think? A bit different. Should it stay?
I saw many special people in my first month and a half in the USA. Here are some of them in some kind of order by location.
Early in my travels, I was hosted by the Waverly Presbyterian Church mission team in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
What a wonderful evening I spent bringing them up to date on Urukundo and the Urukundo kids!
In State College, Pennsylvania, I saw Carol Falke, president of the Hope Made Real International Board.
Carol and Mama and the ice cream challenge. How awesome, and mine is vanilla, my favorite.
The creamery at the Penn State University campus has the best ice cream ever. What a treat after Carol and her husband Steve gave me a personal tour of the campus! My first time ever.
More friends for Urukundo kids were at an open house at Carol’s home.
Joan Zimmer and Janet Madore in State College
Jerry Brown of South Williamsport, Pennsylvania
My son Jerry. He was such a reliable source of transport and lodging during my time in the Williamsport area. Jerry also serves Urukundo as the chair of Hope Made Real International Board.
Jeanne Willis of Hughesville, Pennsylvania
My children in Rwanda remember Jeanne Willis. Jeanne has been a volunteer at Urukundo Village and is loved by the children.
Sherry Sechrist of Quiggleville, Pennsylvania
My youngest sister. It was so good to touch base and spend a little time with her.
Darrel Bietz of West Chester, Pennsylvania
My nephew, Darrel Bietz. It was a pleasant surprise to see and spend a short time with him.
More of my family, this time in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Great-granddaughter Haleigh Moore, daughter Barbara Downs and great-grandson Nate Moore.
I then traveled to the Philadelphia area where I was hosted and toasted by Diane Mastrull, reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer and a good friend to Urukundo.
This is Pierce Keating. He has promised to visit Urukundo in the future. Holding you to that promise, my friend.
Katie Keating, who is Pierce’s wife, is the mom in this great family. Really Katie is a powerhouse full of love and compassion. Katie and her daughter Katrina have been volunteers at Urukundo.
What an awesome couple and lovely family!