It seems each month has its own rewards and challenges. February is no exception. Cramming into 28 days what usually takes 31 has not been easy.
Love is what it is all about.
We share our love with Centre Marembo in Kigali by supplying free dental care for their girls.
Love is shared with Benjamin, our maintenance manager, on the birth of his baby girl. Benj has two boys. Now a little girl. How awesome! Congratulations, Papa Benj.
Love is sharing a cookie in worship Sunday morning.
Love is a teacher caring for his student with tenderness.
Love is hugging a little girl and her butterfly.
Love is sharing with Sandy Narayanan and Laurien Sibomana as they work for the welfare of young people with diabetes in Rwanda.
Share your love. Make every day a special day for at least one person. Blessings flow.