Long Term Volunteer

Saying goodbye is painful. If you don’t believe it, ask Laura Rowland from Pittsburgh, PA USA.

Laura came in February to volunteer for three months at Urukundo.  

Her work here has included assistant teacher at the Preschool/Kindergarten, helping out during playtime at Hope House and assisting at the start up of the Dental Initiative. There she was so appreciated. Her skills as a leader and teacher and her ability to relate to children were a blessing. The kids had trouble with the L and R in her name so she was called many different names while she was here. Never a problem - Rorla was the favorite I think.

The kids watch as Laura and the car drive away. Having them sit on the steps is the only way to make sure none are too close to the car and all are safe.

All of the kids would like to be in her suitcase. They will miss her so much. Her time with us was truly a blessing.

Gathering for pictures was a last fun time for Laura and the kids.