Dental Initiative

We are so grateful to all the dentists out there who contributed to make this much needed service available at Urukundo Village.

Our first day we scanned 85 children from Urukundo Primary School. 55 needed dental attention and 29 of the 55 needed urgent care.

Notices were sent home to the parents of all children seen. Follow up calls were made.

Saturday March 1st   29 were seen with their parents.

Saturday March 15th 33 were seen with parents.

Parents and children sitting on benches on the porch of the Girls' House waiting their turn.

Little benches outside the Tiki Hut, our dental workstation.

How do you like the grass roof?  We really need to get a new roof, but I think this one adds character. What do you all think?

Dentist, Dad and patient.

Dentist, Mom and another patient.

Most times the parents are more anxious than the kids.

Saturday March 22,2014

After covering the Home and school we are opening care and treatment to the children and adults in the community.

Our continuing need is funding for Novocain, Amoxicillin to fight infection after extractions, Ibuprofen for pain and sterile gloves. These can be purchased in Kigali Town as needed.

On Feb 28 our Dentist spent an afternoon explaining and demonstrating dental hygiene to the Primary classes. Our Dental Initiative is an all-inclusive program.

Toothbrushes, toothpaste and smiling kids!