
I arrived home in Urukundo Village on June 12, 2013.  It was a very happy day for me as I was homesick for the children. Now I will be homesick for family and friends at home in the US!  Seems that is the way it will be.
I have recovered from jetlag and am catching up here.
The homecoming was awesome. When we arrived the gate was wide open with banana trees on both sides of the road. (this is a traditional indication of celebration.) The children, including Jacob and all the staff with Pastor Antoine, were in the yard at the steps waving and cheering. 
Johnny brought me a special flower.
The school children were in school uniforms and very handsome. They sang songs for me and were so excited. 
We did a group hug.
Hard to keep my balance but it was great!
The staff gave hugs. There was colored ribbon and balloons around the door and a ribbon to cut to go in. Claude #2 held a wooden plate with scissors on it. I cut the ribbon and we went inside. More songs were sung by all and Pastor Antoine prayed thanking God for my safe return. It was truly a wonderful welcome. The kids each had a lollipop and the staff had chocolate, and know that treat was sent by family in America. 
Later in the afternoon visitors from the village stopped by to say welcome home.
Then it was back to business as usual on Thursday.