Greetings from Mama Arlene and the Urukundo Kids - November 2013

The month of THANKSGIVING has come and gone.  But the time for THANKSGIVING at Urukundo is not just a month. It is necessary to give thanks every day of every month, all year long.
Our blessings come on a daily basis. What are you thankful for?
My family  in the US who make my life worth while with their love and understanding.
My faith family who give me courage in this ministry.
The friends from all over the globe who love and support Urukundo and its kids.
My family in Urukundo Village in Rwanda both children and staff.
All of the faithful sponsors who care for the children at Urukundo Home and know them on a first name basis.
Those who send gifts to care for the missionary allowing me to continue in this Hope Made Real.
Another birthday. WOW !!!!
Good health and climbing a mountain at age 83.
I have so much to be thankful for.