Hope House - Our All-Purpose Center

From 9am to 11am, Monday through Saturday, Hope House is full of activity. Legos, puzzles, hot potato, memory game, dominos, coloring, trucks, cars, airplanes etc inside.  Football, tag, running matches and parachute outside.
Come join in the fun! Volunteers are welcome. 
Present visitors work at Hope House.
Talia from Bloomsburg, PA and the kids do legos.
Soso teaching Meredith from Seattle, WA how to play picture dominoes.
Volunteer Rob James from California on his knees. Floor puzzles are great and this one is a map of the world. Educational as well as fun.
Claude and Rob joining forces to pick avocado.
Keenen James, Rob's son, plays with Becca & Claudine in Hope House.
Dad returned to the US after 8 days. Keenen remains with us for another 3 weeks.
Prince has a new best friend in Kyle. Kyle returned for the second time in this year. He is special for the kids.