From Urukundo Village and Learning Center, Mama Arlene and all the Urukundo kids! A newsletter, hopefully with pictures. This is testing my skills and thanks for taking the time to read.
October has been an eventful month, to say the least. Most recently, our servers in the US were temporarily disabled by Hurricane Sandy, while in Rwanda my Mac computer crashed, which was the low point of the month. The high point? The completion of a number of major projects. Please bear with me as I write this newsletter without my trusty Mac - it may seem a bit strange and indeed it is. The reason is simple. I am attempting to write on a Dell, and teaching an old dog (woman) new tricks (procedures) applies here. My computer is in need of a Mac doctor (so I have told my children) and has gone to Kigali, to Etienne our computer technician. Etienne is the young man we supported at KIST University and he is now a graduate with a degree in Computer Science. He will do his best to save my documents so that when the time comes and a new Mac appears the documents can be transferred to it. Yes, I do believe in miracles.