I was delighted to welcome Dr. Otto Fischer, my dear friend from Austria. He is co-founder of the NGO “Verein Future for Kids.” He is a doctor of veterinary medicine. He is co-founder of New Vision Veterinary Hospital, a private Rwandan animal clinic and laboratory. Otto and I have been working together for many years. He keeps our farm out of trouble.
When Otto flew to Rwanda for the first time in February 2007, he was deeply impressed by the country, the people and, of course, the children.
Make new friends but keep the old.
Dr. Helga Keinprecht is the Urukundo farm’s new friend. New Vision Veterinary Hospital is in good hands. She is from Austria, lives in Rwanda and is the regular doctor at the animal hospital. Otto lives in Austria and travels back and forth yearly.
Dr. Otto is the old friend.
Dr. Helga is the new friend.
During her initial visit, our new friend Dr. Helga toured the school as well as the farm.