
August visitors

I was delighted to welcome Dr. Otto Fischer, my dear friend from Austria. He is co-founder of the NGO “Verein Future for Kids.” He is a doctor of veterinary medicine. He is co-founder of New Vision Veterinary Hospital, a private Rwandan animal clinic and laboratory. Otto and I have been working together for many years. He keeps our farm out of trouble.


When Otto flew to Rwanda for the first time in February 2007, he was deeply impressed by the country, the people and, of course, the children.

Make new friends but keep the old.


Dr. Helga Keinprecht is the Urukundo farm’s new friend. New Vision Veterinary Hospital is in good hands. She is from Austria, lives in Rwanda and is the regular doctor at the animal hospital. Otto lives in Austria and travels back and forth yearly.

Dr. Otto is the old friend.

Dr. Otto is the old friend.

Dr. Helga is the new friend.

Dr. Helga is the new friend.

During her initial visit, our new friend  Dr. Helga toured the school as well as the farm.

During her initial visit, our new friend Dr. Helga toured the school as well as the farm.

Visitor for May


Her name is Erin Friday.

Mama, Chantel, Pastor Yves and our kids welcomed our first visitor since Covid travel restrictions took place in March 2020. Now the Covid restrictions are lessened. Erin is from Wayne, Pennsylvania, USA.


A bit about Erin. Most importantly, she is a devoted wife and mother of three. Erin is a CPA and is CEO for the Thousand Hills Accounting in Rwanda and Main Line Accounting in the USA. She shared her love of Rwanda and her teaching ability and knowledge with the Urukundo Foundation administration.

Thousand Hills Accounting is committed to financial education, creating jobs and supporting businesses as part of Rwanda’s Vision 2050. We look forward to her return visit in October 2021.


Her visit concluded with a Fanta and ice cream party and a rousing foote ball (soccer) game.


Pastor Yves was the referee.

Delighted to do my first book signing.

Erin has the first autographed copy of my book. She brought her copy with her.


Her comment to me upon her arrival at Urukundo was: “Coming to Urukundo to get the book signed was just an excuse to meet you!”

Visit from our princess


Baby Chloe is 11 weeks old and finally came to visit her muzungu grandmother. Covid-19 has had control for too long. It was such a blessing to finally be holding this precious baby girl.

She was born Jan. 3. Her papa, my Rwandan son Amin, and his lovely wife Claire were delighted when, thanks to the prayers of so many, a healthy baby girl was born. Olive visited her at home, but because of Covid-19, it was not safe until recently to visit Mama at Urukundo Village.


Special visitors

Our boy Claude came home for a visit. He wanted to spend some time with his Urukundo brother, Soso. The boys had a great time. School started for Claude on Nov. 23.

Claude is in Primary 4 this year. Soso is in Primary 3, and he is one of three children who remains at Urukundo.


Here are some others who made a visit home:



Now in her last year of secondary school, Esperance was delighted to find her Urukundo sister Belise at home when she arrived. Although the girls are in the same level of education, they go to different schools. The schools are very far apart, so coming home at the same time is a real event for the girls.


Her smile brightens our world.d

Her smile brightens our world.d

Belise came to Urukundo when she was 4 years old. She was the first girl under age 7 to become part of the Urukundo family. The story of Belise is a chapter in my book on Pages 75-78. She is in her final year of secondary school (high school). Her graduation has been delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic.



Bosco, who was home for the day, came to be part of the Urukundo family in 2007. He was one of eight boys brought to Urukundo by the village leader. He is now a university student in his second year. He is enrolled in Mount Kenya University, Kigali campus.

Yes, there is no place like home.


There were early morning good-byes as the girls carrying their treasures started off for university. Now that public transportation is back, they were able to board a bus and return to their studies.


Their younger Urukundo brother, Claude, assists them as they walk to the bus. A helper who also carries school supplies is important.

The Coronavirus and Urukundo

Our timetable for recovery has been a slow but steady one. Rwanda took steps very early in February to detect anyone coming into the country carrying this nasty virus. In March, the airport closed for all but a few flights coming in and going out. Kyle Jerro, an advisor to the board of Hope Made Real International, and Carol Falke,the board president, were able to catch two of the last flights out.

Kyle to the UK.

Kyle to the UK.

And Carol to the USA

And Carol to the USA

On March 21, Urukundo went into lockdown with our university kids and Claude in secondary school coming home. All seven are still home waiting for the travel ban to be lifted. That is scheduled to happen June 1.

We remained in total lockdown until the middle of April when handing baby layettes out the gate for newborns became possible. But still in isolation.

May 1 was the first date for partial opening. At this time, travel was opened but only inside each province. Distancing is to be maintained, and masks must be worn in public.

Our sewing school made masks and distributed them in the compound and to neighbors

Our teacher Theresa models a mask.

Our teacher Theresa models a mask.

No public transportation. Motos and bicycles could be used for transportation of merchandise but not people.

May 16 brought another change. We could now deliver baby gifts to the mamas at the birthing center, observing the center’s rules of conduct. Needed employees were allowed to come back to work. The daycare, church and school remained closed.

I remained in isolation until May 10. It was my delight to be able to walk the compound and on the road in front of my home, wearing a mask.

Difficult decisions

After several plane cancellations, an extended visit and too much stress, Carol Falke, one of our volunteers and president of the Hope Made Real International Board, finally was able to head home to the USA. Somehow a flight opened up with space for her. Is she jumping out of the frying pan into the fire? I hope not. There is no safe place. Stay or go was a hard decision for her to make. We felt blessed to have her here, but as much as she loves us, she needed to be with her husband Steve at this time. We pray for her a safe journey.

Carol and Marilyn Ely, who is treasurer of Hope Made Real, arrived at Urukundo in February. Marilyn returned home in early March while Carol planned a later return.


Ready for the journey home. Carol and carry-on, assisted by Mama’s secretary Eric. He is also a driver. How about that? He wears more than one hat working at Urukundo.


Carol as she leaves Rwanda at the Kigali International Airport. She landed safely at Dulles International Airport in Virginia after 31 hours in transit. She arrived home in State College, PA, on the evening of March 27 and went into quarantine. Our prayers are with Carol and all who are facing the coronavirus.

The joy of new treasures


Fifteen suitcases arrived at Kigali International Airport with two energetic, resourceful and awesome women. Carol Falke and Marilyn Ely are two amazing women.


Carol is president of the Hope Made Real International Board, which helps to support Urukundo. This is Carol’s 10th trip to Urukundo in as many years.

Marilyn is treasurer of the International Board and has been a part of Mama’s ministry since 1996. This is her seventh trip to Urukundo Village and Learning Center.

Now here are some of the treasures from the suitcases:

To start:

Two throws now in the guest house and my home in Urukundo Village.

Two throws now in the guest house and my home in Urukundo Village.

The messages are inspirational. Lovely. Delivered by Marilyn Ely, these special throws came from a dear friend in my hometown.

“Footprints” is one of my favorite pieces.

Give your own title to this photo. Think about it. Pray about it. Feedback, please.

Give your own title to this photo. Think about it. Pray about it. Feedback, please.

This special prayer applies to every day and every walk of life.

Fun with Carol and Marilyn.

Marilyn and Kavine play one-on-one indoor basketball.

Marilyn and Kavine play one-on-one indoor basketball.

Wings and masks are a delight.

Wings and masks are a delight.

Balls are a favorite toy and pastime entertainment here at Urukundo Village and Learning Center.

Pastor Yves and his crew inflate the balls.

Pastor Yves and his crew inflate the balls.

The big orange one is for babies.

Our daycare babies also love the balls.

Our daycare babies also love the balls.

Combining balls, vests and sunglasses make for a fun time. Pastor and Seraphine indulge with the kids. We are all kids at heart.

Seraphine becomes mysterious and beautiful. A butterfly. Yeah.

Seraphine becomes mysterious and beautiful. A butterfly. Yeah.

Now it is time for the kids to experiment with masks.

John masked and ready to fly.

John masked and ready to fly.

Soso and Forever are a bit scary.

Soso and Forever are a bit scary.

Tool time: some assembly needed. Putting together the tool chest/table requires master mechanics.

Many parts were assembled to make a table and chest for tools.

Many parts were assembled to make a table and chest for tools.

Kids did it. No extra parts. Great accomplishment.

Kids did it. No extra parts. Great accomplishment.

Job well done

Job well done

Our visitors, Pastor Alexis and wife Pastor Delphine, received pointers on tools and the tool chest.

Safety first. Helmets, goggles and vests for trying on for size.

Safety first. Helmets, goggles and vests for trying on for size.

Cooking on an ultra modern stove and having a work table and shelves storage adds to the wonder.

Cooking on an ultra modern stove and having a work table and shelves storage adds to the wonder.

A regular chair and a printed canvas make up the stove and cabinet an amazing teaching tool.
Notice the microwave oven. Wow.

Our Chef Seraphine and Kavine prepared food for cooking.

Our Chef Seraphine and Kavine prepared food for cooking.

Teacher Theogen stirred the pot. So much fun for students and teachers! Learning can be great fun.

Teacher Theogen stirred the pot. So much fun for students and teachers! Learning can be great fun.

Carol and company. Olive, Carol, Deborah and Seraphine. What a beautiful grouping! Great photo.

Carol and company. Olive, Carol, Deborah and Seraphine. What a beautiful grouping! Great photo.

Visitors of the month


Pastor Alexis Nzabonimpa and his wife, Pastor Delphine, live in Kigali. They have been long associated with Urukundo. In 2006, both lived and worked at Urukundo.


During their time with us, they visited the farm and were greeted by our rather large mama pig.

Carol and newborn baby girl

Carol and newborn baby girl

Wells Spring Academy’s third-grade students visited third-grade students at Urukundo Learning

Teachers exchanged ideas. Urukundo teachers are in the white coats.

Teachers exchanged ideas. Urukundo teachers are in the white coats.

Kids enjoyed a snack of banana bread and juice. The merry-go-round and slides were great fun.

Kids enjoyed a snack of banana bread and juice. The merry-go-round and slides were great fun.



This lovely lady visited us from Loughborough, Leics, UK.

Jane Spencer is a project manager at Loughborough University. She is a lady of distinction because she is good friends with one of our international board members, Louise Medland, and lives just down the street from her.

Jane braved a rainstorm to travel from Kigali to Muhanga to spend the day at Urukundo.

Visitors for December

We were honored to have visitors from Georgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville Georgia, USA.


They included Dr. Mark Schlueter, professor of biology at Georgia Gwinnett, and his son, Peter.

Also part of the team from Georgia Gwinnett were Dr. Gwendoline Ayuninjam, associate professor in the School of Education, and Dr. MaryBeth Chrostowsky, lecturer of anthropology. They met with Urukundo Learning Center Headmaster Irene Dushimimana for some serious brainstorming. We hope this is just the beginning of a long, mutually beneficial relationship.


Dr Gwendoline Ayuninjam, Headmaster Irene Dushimimana and Dr. Marybeth Chrostowsky

Accompanying the visitors were Aime Nshizirungu and Franciose Uzamukunda from the Global Engagement Institute in Kigali City.
