New school year

The first day of the 2024-25 school year was Sept. 9.

School days, school days. Good old Golden Rule days.

There are still too many kids coming to school on motos.

Bicycles are even more dangerous.

The first day was especially hard for our preschool baby class. Three-year-olds have a tough time being left by mama for the first time. Tears and fears. Older sister helps a little.

Who said school would be fun? I want to go home.

I can hide. Maybe they won't see me here.

Not even a porridge drink is better than mama’s love.

The daycare is a safe place.

Hey, mama, the daycare suits me fine. No school for me.

Ok, maybe I will like it here after all. Porridge has always been a staple in our preschool. This year, bread has been added. Nutrition is so very important if the student is to be successful.

Kindergarten graduates are now in Primary 1. This is their first time with a desk and a chair.