Message from Mama

Friends and followers, if you are thinking this woman with a mission is coming to the end of her time, I agree with you. There are only about 10 or 15 more years to go. That is a short time in the scheme of things. There is much to do and so little time.

What next? Well, let me tell you that knowing the kitchen will be completed soon (a bigger and better one) made me start thinking. Question: What kitchen does not have a giant-size blender, a mixer for baking and making my favorite mashed potatoes, and an oven to bake bread, cakes and cookies and to roast meats like turkey and ham during special times? All of these things are missing in Urukundo’s new kitchen, so you see I have work to do. I will check on Google and see what kitchen appliances are available in Kigali, Rwanda.

The Urukundo Learning Center needs an O-level junior high school. (This is the same as grades 7, 8 and 9 in the USA.) Then it will need a gymnasium. Even primary schools need a gymnasium.

There is still so much to do. This all has to happen in the next 10 years.  Then I think I will retire and rest for the next five years.

Hang in there with me for the long haul.

Much love,
