Sisters Lisa and Lena Wesnz are teachers from Germany. They visited for a few hours. We do hope they come back when they can spend more time.
Amelia Clark, who arrived from Florida, USA, last month, has settled in and is doing a great job in the library activity room and the daycare. Amelia has preschool and daycare experience. Her three months serving as a volunteer is a blessing to the Urukundo Foundation.
In addition, a team of 12 volunteers from Hebron Church, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA arrived for a week of service at Urukundo. Projects they participated in included: worship, daycare, preschool, primary school, music, Mama and Baby Project, dentistry, accounting, photography, sewing, painting, construction and other service. Twelve individuals with diverse talents made a real impact.
Urukundo’s Director Jean Marie, along with Urukundo’s bus, met the Hebron Church volunteers at the Kigali International Airport and transported them to Urukundo Village.
Settling in at the guest house
Daycare and sharing
Love is what matters.
Working with little ones at the daycare is an added joy for both the babies and volunteers.
Dental Clinic
Visitor Dr. John, right, and Dentist Irene converse.
Margie sorted clothes at Mama and Baby House
John observed in the classroom for Preschool Level 3. These students will be first graders next September.
Hebron team leader Bruce experiences the farm as presented to the children. Chicken, dog, and rabbit. There was a goat, but she must have been camera-shy.
Paul, a professional painter, painted Urukundo-style. On his knees. What a guy!
Assembly and music
The Urukundo Learning Center presented an assembly with music as the main focus.
Rob was invited to play the drums.
The kids loved it.
After a very busy week, the team took a side trip to visit the Drone Zipline and the King's Palace.
Urukundo wishes to extend our thanks to these volunteers.