We have faith and are anticipating our O Level secondary school.
This is the land chosen for the new building.
Headmaster Viateur and I inspected the site and saw the beginning of digging the trenches for the foundation of a strong retaining wall. This wall will hold the land brought in or brought down from the top as fill. Building the lower retaining wall is the first step.
The process requires purchasing stones, sand, lime, and water. Then there’s lots of hard labor. Initial costs before construction can begin.
Trenches dug, foundation laid, wall rising.
Leveling started.
Bringing the mountain down to a useful level. The dirt removal will go down about 6 feet from the bottom of the fence. Pick, shovel, and a wheelbarrow load at a time.
Earthmoving in progress.
In a few weeks, an upper retaining wall will be in place and leveling will be completed. Much more work must be done before construction of the two-story building can begin.