My Advent Journey with Mama Arlene and the Children of Urukundo (Love)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1st Sunday of Advent
Pray for the 1,153 children, 41 teachers, and 18 school staff of Urukundo Learning Center (School) & Technical Sewing Center (School).
The school’s full-time music teacher instructs keyboard, stringed instruments, flute & percussion. Classes begin their day with singing. If you like music give 25¢.
Solar power energy, installed on rooftops, is used every day at Urukundo. If you don’t use solar energy in your home give 50¢.
The Day Care is a safe haven for 50+ babies 3–6 years old for working parents. Nursing mothers go to the Day Care to feed their babies. If you support loving care for babies, give 50¢.
Urukundo kitchen staff originally cooked on charcoal pots. If you have never cooked on a charcoal pot (stove) give 50¢.
Urukundo Technical Sewing Center (School) uses treadle machines. If you have used an electric sewing machine give 50¢.
Before Rotary International provided water to Urukundo the surrounding village girls and women hauled water from a distance. If you have always had running water give 25¢.
2nd Sunday of Advent
Pray for Pastor Yves and Assistant Pastor Chantel, and the fellowship of over 150 at the Urukundo Worship Center, and the 40+ children attending Sunday School.
Fiber Optic Internet was recently installed for Urukundo’s entire campus. If you have internet service give 50¢.
The Cowboys (farm hands) care for pigs, cows, and 200 chickens who lay 190 eggs each day that are both eaten and sold. If you had an egg this month give 25¢
Urukundo Foundation (UF) financially supports 81 students from the community. The children enjoy footeball(soccer), basketball, T-ball, jump rope, and karate. If you have played a sport give 50¢.
100% of Urukundo Primary (elementary) school students go on to attend schools of higher education. If you attended High School or college, give $1.
Professions of Urukundo graduates include lawyers, nurses, IT specialists, librarians, teachers, chefs, and business administrators. If you have had a job give 50¢.
Pray for the 2 dentists and their 2 assistants at the Dental Clinic who care for 468 patients a month. They scan, clean, fill, and extract. If you go to the dentist, give 50¢.
3rd Sunday of Advent
Pray for Mama Arlene, the National and International Boards of Directors, and the school administrators.
Urukundo school children travel to school by foot, bike-taxi, motorcycle-taxi, & in new school buses. If you’ve ridden a bus give 50¢.
The school’s Librarian creates a space filled with books & educational material. If you were educated with books give $1
Urukundo supplies over 240 layettes & hygiene supplies a year to newborns and mothers through the Momma-Baby outreach. If you love babies give 25¢.
With climate change the Rwandan farmers struggle to plant in the right season. If you are concerned about climate change, give 50¢.
At Urukundo, close to the equator, the temperature range is 65-80 F degrees. Most Rwandans have never seen snow. For every time it snowed in December give $1.
Mama Arlene, the Urukundo staff, Teachers, Boards, and all the children give thanks for you! If you are also thankful for them, give $1.

Christmas Eve:  Add an extra gift for all of your Christmas blessings. Then, take your gift to worship Christmas Eve as a very special offering gift or send your gift to Hope Made Real, PO Box 3222, Williamsport, PA 17701. 100 percent of your gift goes directly to support Mama Arlene and the children and mission of Urukundo. Christmas gifts may also be given directly online at or mailed to Hope Made Real, PO Box 3222, Williamsport, PA 17701.

Happy New Year to one and all!