I am thankful many of the Covid restrictions have been lifted and volunteers can return to Urukundo. Covid testing, masks and distancing are still in effect, but these are minor inconveniences.
Kevin Castle, a Rwandese citizen and a long-time volunteer at the Urukundo Home, returned for a too-short visit this Easter season. Kevin is now a teacher and his passion is art. He shared his love of art with our kids.
Mama’s porch was the perfect place for the art project. Easy cleanup.
Acrylic paints with brushes and eggs are a fun project.
Well, maybe painting hard-boiled eggs is a simple form of art, but it is art nevertheless. A bit messy, but so much fun. Kevin brought the acrylic paint and brushes.
What a happy project. Our kids feasted on the eggs at the finish of the project.
We have several visitors who are regulars at Urukundo. Carol Falke and Marilyn Ely from the USA usually visit every year. Covid changed that, so they missed two years. We were so happy both ladies were coming back together in April this year. This did not happen. Only Carol was able to make the trip. Marilyn, who is treasurer of the Hope Made Real International Board, had to cancel because of a positive Covid test.
We miss you, Marilyn. Next year, hopefully.
Carol, president of the Hope Made Real International Board, traveled alone. Carol traveled with many educational supplies for the Urukundo Learning Center.
A lot of luggage but precious gifts.
Our third visitor of April was Dr. Danilo Milanes, dean of the School of Dentistry in the College of Medicine and Health Sciences at the CMHS, University of Rwanda.
Dr. Danilo’s expertise is in orthodontics. We met the doctor thanks to Dr. Valli Meeks,
clinical professor in the Department of Oncology and Diagnostic Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. Dr. Meeks was instrumental in starting the Dental Clinic at Urukundo Foundation.
Dr. Danilo is interested in learning more about the Urukundo Dental Clinic and our orthodontia program.