Last night, I watched the most beautiful sunset out my office window. It dazzled the senses.
This residence and my window are opening a whole new world to me.
In the early morning, I watch the children on their way to school. They are such a happy bunch.
All morning long, I see the playground full of children and their activities. Kids of all sizes and shapes participate in many activities.
Today I watched a game of passing the baton. That game consists of two equal teams on opposite ends of a field. The goal is for each team member to carry the baton and run as fast as possible around the opposite team, return to their team, pass the baton to the next runner and continue this until all on the team have made the run. Of course, the team that finishes first is the winner. I remember playing this same game when I was a kid. I hope you do too.
When I do not go to the dining room to help serve the kids lunch, my window is the perfect place to watch hungry children come running to get to the food waiting for them.
It is fun to see older children taking the hands of younger children and walking them to lunch.
Outside the lunchroom, they wash their hands and shake them dry.
Then they go into the dining room where their food is already waiting for them. There are no pre-arranged seating positions. They are seated as they come in. Amazing to me is the fact that there is no “I want to sit here” or “I want to sit there” or “I want to sit with so and so.” They simply set where our manager Delphine guides them. These kids are wonderful.
I can also watch my dog on her adventures.
Ollie walks Soso to school and returns to guard my office door.
Ollie is a protector.
During the day and into the night, my window is the showcase for the drones that deliver medicines, blood and strategic supplies to many parts of Rwanda. It is best after 6 p.m. because it is dark, and the red and green lights on the drones flash across the sky.
The drone was there, but it was faster than my finger on the button. The evening sky is beautiful.
My window into the world is amazing. Don’t you agree?