We are preparing to share the gifts we received from you with more than 700 community children.
Little girl gifts
Hair ribbons, bracelets and My Little Pony with hair brushes.
Just a few of the gifts we received are toothbrushes; coloring books and crayons; pencils with notepads; Matchbox cars; and stickers.
We thank our donors who make giving gifts to children a real pleasure.
Soft and cuddly stuffed animals are new friends and work well for the little ones. They are such fun.
New and slightly used clothes make great gifts.
Like all kids everywhere, our kids love Legos.
These packaged Legos are great for boys and girls.
The youth at St. Paul's United Methodist Church in State College, Pennsylvania, USA, packaged Legos and sent them for our youth.
I hope these young people in State College know how much they are appreciated and how they have enriched the lives of children in Muhanga, Rwanda. We are grateful.
Giving is not a matter of age. It is a matter of love.
Betty Knouse, 91, joined the youth at St. Paul's UMC in filling a need at Urukundo Foundation/Hope Made Real. These receiving blankets are so appreciated and needed.
Hi, Betty! We share an age, but I will pass you by turning 92 in December. We are awesome women
Other donors include the kids from Park Forest Village United Methodist Church in Pennsylvania, USA. They gave the gift that keeps on giving.
Books for Urukundo Learning Center Library. So appreciated.
Our staff pitched in and helped wrap the presents.
Colored tissue paper, tape and willing hands. Gift wrapping in progress. Eric, Urukundo’s executive secretary, lent a hand. His help is appreciated.
We are in the computer age. Checking the list of our staff’s children under 12 was made easy. Chantel, co-manager of the daycare, is checking it twice. We give a gift bag to each child and make sure their names are on each gift.