Music, music, music


Our dream at Urukundo Learning Center long has been to have a drum set of our own and not have to rent one for graduation and special occasions. Thanks to an anonymous donor, our dream is now truly a “hope made real.” Sadly, there will be no graduation ceremony this year to celebrate, but we look forward to the future.

Music is so special at Urukundo. We began with kazoos and slowly by slowly (Rwanda term) added a keyboard, violins, guitars and even cultural instruments to our program.


I thank all who have contributed to making our music program a success over the years.

Music comes more abundantly to Urukundo. The donor also funded all the new equipment below. We are so blessed.


We now have instruments for our very own Urukundo school band. The piano also will serve our orchestra.


Hey, it’s a start. These kids and the music teacher, Emanuel, practice even though school is not in session. That’s devotion.