Necessary maintenance

It is always good to be building new structures, but, like any home, there are times it becomes necessary to do repair work. Urukundo is no exception.

Protecting our neighbor and securing the land at the preschool became a big deal. With the heavy rains in the last months, we saw the bank with no retaining wall begin to collapse. Knowing the real danger of the bank collapsing in front of the preschool and doing great damage to our neighbors’ house, we decided maintenance was necessary. Steps to alleviate the problem took place. Retaining walls are so necessary in Rwanda.


Inspection tour or just a nosy old woman wanting to know what is going on. The work went well. The walk (exercise) is good for me.


It was not only necessary to build a new retaining wall, but the deterioration of the bank caused a brick wall to crack and no longer be safe. Repair was not possible. The wall had to be replaced, and a new gate was installed to replace a damaged one. In a short time, the wall would have been gone. A photo for you to see.

A view of where the wall and old gate have been removed.

New gate in place.


Replaced stronger and reinforced inside the wall and sliding gate. Looking good and protecting our school property, our kids and our neighbors. The shutdown was a good time to do this work at the school.

View of the finished wall at the entrance to the Urukundo Learning Center. It really is an improvement.

New gate and new sign. We are proud of our school and want all passersby to know we are here.