Diescor improving

I received good news from the USA about Diescor, who joined the Urukundo family in 2007 and was studying medicine in Rwanda when he took ill in December. Here’s the report:

“Diescor is doing really well. He’s still doing outpatient therapy, including occupational, physical and speech therapy. He’s walking better and better. He can walk short distances without a cane now, still limping. His arm is coming along slower, but they tell me that’s going to take longer. He’s got movement in his upper arm and bicep, and he can close his fingers into a fist with a lot of concentration. We’re continuing to work on that. His speech is getting quite a bit better. He’s using more and more sentences. Reading and writing are really difficult for him. He has trouble recognizing letters, so we’re working on that. He’s starting to read some shorter words.

“He’s continuing to improve every day, and it’s really encouraging.”