On a wing and a prayer. Mostly prayer.
The classroom so needed is now a priority. We started building, having faith that funding will come.
Materials needed to complete a classroom are numerous. We will need many bricks, electrical wiring, windows, doors, floor tiles, inside walls, blackboard, cement (many bags), scaffolding and metal roofing like the blue roof below in the photo. (The roof in the photo is for the Primary 6 classrooms.) Well, just everything needed to build a classroom in Rwanda.
A special gift was received for one load of bricks. One large load of bricks costs US$150.
Thank you, donor. We can build only as funding comes. We hope to finish at least the classroom for use in 2020. The second one is needed by January 2021. Cost per classroom is US$25,000, including labor. Will you help us make it happen? Every donation, gift or grant is appreciated.
Love the view from the school. Our community hills are beautiful.