Auditorium expansion

Urukundo Learning Center needs an auditorium where all students can gather for assemblies and special events. Building an auditorium will be an expensive proposition and will take a long time, but slowly by slowly we will succeed. We do need a building with a larger capacity. Staying with the concept of using what we have and improving it makes Hope House our best option.


When we constructed Hope House in 2009, it was a big building. At the time, it really was and met our needs. I had not visualized the growth that would take place at Urukundo in 10 years.

Renting larger facilities for parent/teacher meetings and other school activities proved costly. Turning away income-producing community meetings, celebrations and weddings because the building did not have enough capacity was an indication it would be beneficial to provide a larger building.

The need for an auditorium became even more apparent in 2019 when the number of community children participating in the Christmas celebration filled a second building.

Looking at possibilities of expansion at a reasonable cost, expanding Hope House seems the most doable. The unused land is there. We are doing the clearing and leveling work. We are looking to the future with hope.


It is possible to add an addition not only at the front but also at the end of the building. Both areas are in the process of being prepared for possible construction. The Urukundo National Board of Directors has asked for three bids from local contractors. Growth is inevitable. Sustainability is the ultimate goal. Funding would be helpful and appreciated.