In the middle of the month, more volunteers arrived.Carol Falke and Marilyn Ely are time-honored visitors to Urukundo. Marilyn first came when we were in Kibirige. Carol first came in 2011, and this was her eighth time to spend with us.
Carol is president and Marilyn is treasurer of Hope Made Real, which is our nonprofit 501(c)(3) in the USA.
Marilyn, left, and Carol loved their time with the children.
Marilyn learned new rules to an old game.Carol and company made books using stickers to decorate the books.
Not only were Carol and Marilyn at Urukundo, but so was Margie Krogh, secretary of Hope Made Real and from Penn Hills, Pennsylvania, USA. She’s at left in the first row of the photo.
Imagine three Hope Made Real board members at Urukundo at one time!
We are honored by their presence.
The other two guests in the photo are Latha Bhagavatula, wife of the new director for Carnegie Mellon University-Africa in Kigali and at right in the photo, and Cheryl Mutabazi, back from Australia, and in the center of the back row.