Nine of our children attended their first Concert. on Feb. 19, 2015. They were thrilled.We are now associated with Crescendo, an organization from Germany dedicated to bringing music to Rwanda and other parts of the world thanks to Aimable and the Kigali School of Music. The kids heard the music of Beethoven, Mozart as well as Duke Ellington. Martin Heimchen from Germany was guest pianist on a real piano, not a keyboard.
Here's the Jazz Band with Grace as soloist, and Dad Lance on the trombone.
It would have been wonderful if we could have taken all the kids to enjoy the concert but our car only holds 9. We decided to take the older kids this time.
Next time we'll take another 9. There will be more concerts I am sure as music plays its part in the growth of Rwanda’s children.The kids were mesmerized.
The gentleman sitting behind us with his wife is the Founder of the music organization.