November 2015 Newsletter

November was another eventful month at Urukundo Village and Learning Center. Sports, Dental, School, Construction and Reconstruction plus visitors to name a few of the events.

Special Notice:

It is the time of year when we make a special effort to raise funds to help community children go to school. The school year starts in January. Needed are funds for pencils, uniforms, school fees, shoes, socks, backpack exercise books. Please help us with this outreach in Mission. A gift of $15 will supply the basic needs for one child to go to school for the year.  Thank you for helping with education for Community Children.

A Special invitation.

It was my pleasure to be invited to attend worship at Mpushi Presbyterian Church on November 1, 2015.  The invitation to attend worship came from my very dear friend, Pastor Leonard.

Accompanying me to worship was John Paul, as interpreter, and the older of our kids. These are the kids in Grade 4, and Aline in grade 5. Belisa, who was home from secondary school directed the singing.


Nelly, Aline, Cedric, Luki, Belise, Claude, and Emanuel

The congregation joining in song & dance for the Lord.

School events

Soccer match

It was so exciting! Giporoso Primary School came to play a competition match with the P3-4 soccer team from Urukundo Learning Center. All of Urukundo staff and kids turned out to cheer our team. Yes, even me. I get as excited as the kids even though I don’t know all the rules of the game well.

Urukundo Learning Center won 2 to 0. Claude was the star player.

Teachers, Home staff and kids big and small came to cheer our team on.

We really need soccer shoes and uniforms. It was hard to tell who was on what team. Our goalie did a great job of blocking.

Urukundo Learning Center Graduation 2015.

On November 6, Urukundo celebrated its fourth graduation. The first graduation was in 2011. Four of our kids were in that class. They are now moving into Primary 4.

We are proud of all the Kindergarten graduates.

Four of our kids were among this years graduating class.

Claudine, Rebekah, Kaboss (Lional) & Prince.

The procession begins

Friends and Family join the students in the procession. Family support is amazing.

Certificates were awarded.

Traditional dancing

Modern Dancing was new this year.

Music played a big part in the school this year and our musicians took part in the ceremony.


Dental Clinic

On November 7, 2015, Urukundo Dentistry held an FREE day for Community children at the Clinic. 87 children received free dental treatment.

Each child had to be accompanied by a parent. It was a wonderful, busy day.

Dr. Troy Michelson from Canada was the attending dentist. His wife Charmaine, Edmond, and Theodore dental therapist assisted.

The children read a new book. DR. MOOSE MY TOOTH IS LOOSE. Dr. Troy, Charmaine, Mama, and Urukundo Kids are pretending to be Dr. Moose. It was such fun.

Moose horns in imagination.

Mama & Baby Initiative

These are three of the babies and their mother of the 19 who received help in November. 

The need for new born baby clothes continues. We will take all we can get. Can you help with this need?


Update on the Toilet Construction

Septic is completed.  Construction of building begins.

Two weeks later

New Development

Before reconstruction started on girls home

Inside dining room

In order to enlarge our dining room this work must take place.

Final production next month. Stay tuned.


Special Visitors

Fewer than normal visitors in November

Go Ed students prepare to leave.

These are three of the babies and their mother of the 19 who received help in November. 

The need for new born baby clothes continues. We will take all we can get. Can you help with this need?